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dan agnello

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Everything posted by dan agnello

  1. Great job Greek; see ya up there in a few weeks.
  2. With a north blow only the fish scatter n fishing usually tough. An east wind, if fish r there, will bring them in.
  3. A few days of decent WSW wind should stack up the warm water n setup thermocline for fishing in deeper water. Right now in Manistee there has been a north n east blow n cold water is in now near shore n big kings r stacking up in shallows. I prefer west or SW wind. Makes things easier.Don't like hassle of doing harbor patrol when there r a lot of boats there. Hope this helps!
  4. Thks, yep thats what I heard from my neighbor who was up there until Tues n said they were in 02s south of Ludville before north blow!
  5. Thks, greay day though!
  6. SoHa 8/2 3 for 5, all lakers in 112-120'; most on north troll. 2 for 3 on 300' copper with added lead on the end on double or crush spoon. 1 for 2 on port rigger; main was down 77' n laker on CJ Or Crush spoon on slider. Not hits on dipseys, 10 colors or 150' copper! 1-3s, then lazy 2-3s with occasional 4 later on. Beatiful day on Lac Mich. Done fishin SLM. Next, our annual Manistee/Frankfort trip in a few weeks. Can't wait!
  7. Welcone Dwayne!
  8. Good job; we r heading put there tomorrow morning. Thanks for the report!
  9. Sounds like good time with the kids. Release might have to be a little tighter. I use black releases n rubber bands on lines n seams to get better hookups. 1 band for spoons; 2 for flashers? Sounds like some new fishermen joining the ranks!
  10. Yeah Creekerman u must have been near us. We saw some boats to west of us, so one was probably you. Deep riggers in the warm water seamed to do the trick; same for full copper. Dimitri, we had 225 copper out but had to pull it when fish caused bad tangle in it. Have to work on it today to see if I can save it.( was able to work on it at home n save it). Greek: Good luck in Manistee. Saw some reports Wed that kings were on fire in Ludville but not quite up to Manistee yet. They should be there first of Aug when u r up there. Good luck.
  11. SoHa 7/27 4 for 7; 2 coho n 2 lakers. Lost steelie when slider broke, coho got off on CJohn Or Crush Spoon n fish got off on CJohn green frog BTI n meat rig. All fish in 170-185 fow except 1 laker on way in in 138'. Laker on CJohn BTI n meat rig down 84'. Coho on CJ Or Crush spoon on slider with main down 85. Laker n coho on 300' copper on double or crush spoon. Copper was modified with 1 1/2 colors of lead on end n fluoro leader per tip from friend DImitri. All fish and lost fish between 10-11:30 except laker in 138' at 1:30. Dead calm till noon when wind shifted n picked up out of north. Fish shutdown n easy 2-4s when we pulled lines at 1:45. Pure Michigan on Lac Mich!
  12. Awesome, good to here. Going up to Manistee/Frankfort end of August!
  13. Yeah. Switched one rigger to fluorocarbon n I'll compare it to other with mono, too.
  14. I'm not fan of metal guides but they will both work fine! Mine have ceramic guides n very little wear on them!
  15. Not a joke; Cortland sells and oval diameter line that fleas cannot attach to. Used it for years up in Manistee!
  16. U can use Cortland flea flicker line!
  17. Ok Greek Ill try it. one color of lead on each would work. What is this metric stuff; must be a European! Lol!!!!
  18. Dimitri: U do SWR lead at end of copper (Cu) on all your copper lines?
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