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dan agnello

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  1. Not sure. Good question. Earlier fish we caught had been eating large alewives.
  2. Forgot to mention that in addition to smelt, kings/steelies have been eating minnow size, class of 2024 alewives. Interesting.
  3. 6 for 9 in 137’-165’; riggers down 137 & 140’. 260 copper had 4 hits with dirty harry reg size spoon - landed 1 king and 2 steelies. Nothing on 200,300 and 450 copper nor dragon slayer SD, shown in pic, on SB mag dipsey out 240’. Port mag dipsey out 220’ with blue glow meat rig had a rip on it n then no one home. Small spoons with half super slims. Orange ss spoon here got 1. Dirty harry is bottom picture. waves 1-2 down to 1s; speed 2.4-3.2sog.
  4. He got some nice kings and 2 coho. All fresh silver fish. on way back from steelheaders mtg just now saw 2 boats out there about in that depth.
  5. 3 for 3, in 137' dragon slayer flasher/pickled sunshine fly on 124mm dipsey on 3 out 212'; in 165’ rigger down 105 on super slim A Bomb spoon, in 154’ 124mm dipsey out 239' on super slim orange/yl spoon shown. Guy at fish cleaning got 5 in 80-100'. 1-2s; speed usual 2.6-3.1sog
  6. 7/30 Went 6 for 6; 19 and 2 17lb kings. If you can believe this we caught a big catfish in 100fow. Meat, Pro King dragon slayer flasher w/green fly took most. Riggers down 65’. Fished 100 fow. Five eyes and rv blue jeans also took fish. Calm water; speed 2.7-3.2sog 7/31 Went 4 for 7; each dipsey on 2.5 out 175’ took a fish on Pro King dragon slayer flasher n fly. Also rv blue jeans and mag MS rv flounder pounder took fish. Fish came in 100-118fow; Started to get nautical; 1-3s built up to at least 2-4s. 2.7-3.2sog IMG_0734.mov
  7. Thks for report. Heading out this afternoon.
  8. 8 for 13; 5 kings, 2 lakers, one nice coho. All fish in 100fow a few miles south. Fish came on 200, 250, 300 copper, wire divers out 120, 150 n 165, riggers down 48 n 61. Best baits: Rv wonderbread spoon, blue n green meat rigs and “megatron” dodger w/green fly. Nice big king at 23lbs. They wanted faster speed today; 2.9-3.3sog IMG_0665.mov
  9. Lost a lot of wire yesterday to tangles. Was thinking about splicing on some more wire using Albright or modified Albright knot and cover with small piece of shrink tubing.
  10. Smelly skunk still in the boat. 0-1, steelie flipped off of Capt John King “Ghostbuster” meat rig.on rigger down 51. Had 100, 150, 200 n 300 copper, 2 dipseys n 2 riggers out. Fished the same 90-150’ as last week and no fish there. speed, same 2.5 -3.2. Waves 1-2’ out of southeast. Next trip here, Wednesday or Thursday.
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  11. Yes, now that I look at pictures better, it is a steelie which Terry in brown coat is holding. TY
  12. Tried Tangled Tackle in Manistee n Capt Chucks 2 inLudville. Tried all except Russell Cahagan, Reel Shot n Fat Nancys. Forgot about them. thks
  13. 4 for 6; 4 kings; lost steelie that flipped off and big king that broke braid backing at 5’ piece of mono where I connect board and that attaches to 300 copper. My name n number are on the board. Board on mono and copper should still be pulled around by the king. Details: all fish in 125-145 fow north of piers aka 26.4 to 29.0; pier is 24.2 8lb king in 125 on 200 copper on NBK spoon; 9 lb king in 131’ on 300 copper on double orange crush 6 lb king on rigger down 55’ on yl bikini bottom SD and pickle-sunshine fly. Steelie fliiped off on this rig also. 6 lb king in 145 on clear slide diver out 212’ on reg size 5 eyes MS spoon. Speed usual 2.4 - 3.2 sog. Wind SW; waves 1-2s settled to 1s.
  14. First skunk of the season after a dozen trips. Fished 80-145’ with no hits. Two other boats got a few.
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