After three years of rough seas, a landmark agreement binding eight states in their protection of Great Lakes waters sailed through the Ohio Senate and House yesterday on its way to Gov. Ted Strickland's signature. More...
We agree with state officials and conservation groups that last week launched an initiative urging state agencies and nonprofit groups to push forward to protect the Great Lakes with any available resources. More...
Part of a proposal to control Lake Ontario water levels could create havoc for a shipping industry that requires stable and sufficient water levels for its shipping fleet, a hearing was told Monday. More...
Michigan needs to be part of the Great Lakes Compact, to ensure this region's water will remain safe from those who would pipe it hundreds of miles away. More...
Scientists have placed equipment atop the 110-foot-high Stannard Rock lighthouse, hoping to determine how much of Lake Superior's water is being sucked into the atmosphere. More...
Macomb County officials are leading the charge in opposition to a proposed nuclear waste dump near Ontario's Lake Huron shoreline, upstream from the county's drinking water plants. More...
From June through the end of August, public health collects weekly water samples at 13 beaches along Lake Ontario and the northern part of the Niagara River, as well as 22 beaches along Lake Erie and the southern part of the Niagara River. More...
Seiches are initiated by some outside force like an earthquake or more often a strong wind. Lake Erie is quite shallow and lined up southwest to northeast with the prevailing wind direction, so it is prone to wind-driven seiches. But these waves don't always fit the general idea of them as oscillatory. More...
A new report examines the impacts global warming will likely have on the Great Lakes --from more sewage overflows to lower lake levels. The report finds that the Great Lakes can lessen the impact of global warming or become global warming's victim -- it all depends on Congress. Read the press release More...
Owen Sound, one of the last communities on the Great Lakes with only a primary sewage treatment plant, plans a needed upgrade to its sewage treatment system. More...
Environmental groups and U.S. officials are sounding alarms about two major new Canadian projects -- a heavy oil mega-refinery along the St. Clair River and an underground radioactive waste repository near Lake Huron -- they say could put Michigan air and water at risk for decades. More...
The Canadian tourism industry warned this week of the danger this year of an "unprecedented" decline in tourism, due to high fuel prices, and it calls for urgent action from government at all levels. More...
The Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority envisions Toledo and this region as a robust international transportation, distribution and logistics hub. More...
Michigan lawmakers haven't reached a final deal to regulate water withdrawal from state lakes and rivers, but they have set the boundaries for a possible compromise. More...
While many families are leaving the Thumb area for various reasons, one resident seems to be staying put because she's finding everything she needs. She is the Thumb wolverine. More...
A Bad Axe entrepreneur appears to be making all the right moves to build a $65 million plant that could pump out 20 million gallons of biodiesel fuel a year by late 2010 or early 2011. More...
A new source of residential wind power arrived in Scio Township on Wednesday with the installation of a 45-foot-tall turbine at the home of Jay Mehta. More...
At these meetings, experts from the International Upper Great Lakes Study (IUGLS) will present the latest scientific findings and provide current information about water levels. They will also briefly outline the structure and purpose of the Study and review a history of water level regulation in the Great Lakes. More...
Ground is breaking on a new water park project in New Berlin, Wis., which has been denounced for years by environmentalists and their political allies as ridiculous, extravagant and bad for Lake Michigan. More...
With the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration declaration of "Clean Boats Every Day" Initiative, hopefully citizens can learn how to properly clean, inspect and drain their boats to prevent introducing and spreading aquatic invaders. More...
This Sunday, June 8, marks World Oceans Day, when people around the globe recognize the beauty and wonder of our oceans. On a local level, it also brings attention to the protection of our inland oceans - the Great Lakes. More...