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  1. Pelee Island, which has been stranded for weeks without its two passenger ferries, will have to wait until at least the end of May before the boats are running again. More...
  2. The buoy is only one of two in existence and the only one in the Great Lakes. The laser wind assessment system will measure wind speed and direction every second from 250 to 575 feet off the lake surface. That height is critical for the next generation of offshore wind turbines, which will have hubs reaching such heights. More...
  3. The Eastlake Brownfield is situated on the shores of Manistee Lake, a drowned river-mouth that empties directly into Lake Michigan. More...
  4. For the eleventh summer, Michigan Sea Grant Extension will provide the opportunity for people to learn about the Great Lakes by being on the Great Lakes. Summer Discovery Cruises depart from Lake Erie Metropark, with cruises on the lower Detroit River and Lake Erie, and Lake St. Clair Metropark, cruising Lake St. Clair. More...
  5. The combination of a water-based transportation company and Great Lakes freshwater research are perfect Muskegon examples of the "blue economy" - the economic engine that is driven by water resources. More...
  6. The 31st Street Harbor reflects the civic ambition of Chicago's failed bid to host the 2016 Summer Olympics. At one point, it was proposed as the site for Olympic sailing competitions. More...
  7. The case for use of the Muskegon Lake shoreline portion of the Fisherman's Landing site has to do with the future development of a significant port facility with all of the potential jobs and economic activity that might create. More...
  8. Jefferson County crews began work on Monday to dredge a small channel connecting Lake Ontario and Henderson Harbor, which will help boaters more easily navigate through what's called "the cut." More...
  9. The International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) announced Monday its 2012 conference, will be held from May 13-17 in Cornwall. More...
  10. Thunder Bay administration is working on a new plan after several "archeologically significant" underwater objects halted work on 300 new boat slips during Phase 2 of waterfront development. More...
  11. The 55th Annual Conference of the International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) is being held in Cornwall, Ont., next week (May 13-17). The theme is From Great Lakes Flow Mighty Rivers. Conference materials are now available on the website, and registration will be available on-site. More...
  12. Genetic studies will improve fish breeding and raising techniques for urban aquaculture even as it helps identify invasive species that have been released to the Great Lakes. More...
  13. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, widely accused of moving too slowly to prevent Asian carp and other exotic species from invading the Great Lakes, will release a short list of possible solutions next year to quicken the process, officials said Tuesday. More...
  14. Shipments of coal on the Great Lakes totaled 2.2 million tons in April, a decrease of 3.8 percent compared to a year ago. More...
  15. Michigan organizations and agencies are building nine rock reefs in the Middle Channel of the St. Clair River to bolster native fish spawning and restore habitat. More...
  16. As evidence of health risks piled up, makers of flame retardants created a phony consumer watchdog that misled lawmakers and the public by stoking the fear of fire. More...
  17. After three weeks of training and tutoring aboard the U.S. Brig Niagara, a majority of people who participate in the Niagara's public-voyage program leave as functional members of the crew. More...
  18. Kristin Stanford was recently honored with the 2012 Wildlife Diversity Conservation Award by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for her work in restoring the endangered Lake Erie water snake. More...
  19. Minnesotans will be able to hunt and trap wolves legally for the first time in 38 years this fall, and the Department of Natural Resources is hustling to put the framework and mechanics of the season together. More...
  20. The electric barrier near Chicago designed to prevent Asian carp and other species from migrating between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River system had a 13-minute power outage last week. More...
  21. Thunder Bay Port Authority CEO Tim Heney said Thursday that cargo shipments for the month of April were up 34 per cent over last year, due mostly to higher grain volumes. More...
  22. The Great Lakes Coastal Flood Study website is the official public website for FEMA's comprehensive storm and wind study of the Great Lakes basin. The study was conducted for the purpose of updating coastal flood hazard information and Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) for Great Lakes coastal communities. More...
  23. Although it's nearly 90 degrees outside, Lake Erie is still a chilly 49 degrees, conditions that the Coast Guard says could be very dangerous for boaters and beach-goers. More...
  24. This week's Environment Report highlights toxic substances found in common garden products, and the ways in which people in Michigan are using one non-native species to control another. More...
  25. The historic steamship Keewatin will be leaving its home of more than 40 years at the beginning of June to become part of a renovated waterfront and tourist attraction in Port McNicholl, Ontario. More...
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