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  1. In Saginaw, Mich. single-digit temperatures are creating a sheet of ice on the Saginaw River, and anglers are setting up their shanties to try their luck at ice fishing but the Coast Guard warns about potential dangers. More...
  2. The small town of Superior, Wisconsin may emerge as an unlikely American maritime hub for Canadian crude if plans to transport Alberta oil sands oil across the Great Lakes come to pass. More...
  3. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2013 Sea Lamprey Control Program field season has come to a close. During the field season, sea lamprey control staff based in Marquette and Ludington, Mich., worked around the clock in order to reduce the impacts of the invasive sea lamprey on the Great Lakes ecosystem. More...
  4. NASA Satellite imagery of Lake Effect Snow storms over Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron More...
  5. Snowy owls are moving through Wisconsin from northern Canada, and the state Department of Natural Resources and Wisconsin eBird say the birds are staging a possibly historic movement from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Coast. More...
  6. The Algoma Equinox arrived in the Twin Ports on Wednesday to load iron ore for Cleveland Cliffs at the BNSF Railway Dock. The arrival marked the ship's first full transit of the entire Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway, according to a news release. More...
  7. The city of Sylvania could be expanding the River Trail that currently runs from Main Street to Monroe Street along the Ten Mile Creek and the Ottawa River. More...
  8. The City of Midland, Mich., has unveiled a vision for a new riverfront viewing area along the Tittabawassee River and is now looking for funding. More...
  9. The Department of Natural Resources announced the totals from its fall fish stocking efforts: eight different species totaling more than 1,050,000 fish that weighed more than 12.5 tons, and were stocked at 111 different locations throughout the state. More...
  10. Ice formation on the Great Lakes is a clear signal of winter. Looking back in time, the lakes were formed over several thousands of years as mile-thick layers of glacial ice advanced and retreated, scouring and sculpting the basin. For January 2014, NOAA scientists are predicting maximum ice cover! More...
  11. The decision, posed on Ontario's Environmental Registry, said the renewable energy approval has been issued to SP Development Limited Partnership to engage in a renewable energy project for a Class 4 wind facility that will have a total capacity of 25 MV. More...
  12. Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper, a nonprofit dedicated to protecting the region's waterways, announced that three plant beds that will be home to 135 native species plants were put in last week in Griffon Park. More...
  13. Saying they're "All in for Belle Isle," state and city officials and community groups Tuesday talked up the tangible steps they'll take to improve Detroit's signature park a month after the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the city inked a deal for the state to run it as a state park. More...
  14. The Michigan Department of Resources has to decide whether about 2,800 acres of property in a section of the Au Sable River known as the Holy Waters is to be leased, primarily to a Canadian company, which could eventually drill for oil and natural gas on the land. More...
  15. Artifacts from the historic 100-year old SS Regina shipwreck will be sold at the Port Huron Museum in the museum's gift shop. More...
  16. The Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board of Trustees recommended to the legislature that $27,677,800 in funds be awarded to 76 recreational development projects in 2014. If approved, this could bring nearly $3.1 million to Upper Michigan projects on the list. More...
  17. In what is becoming a common sojourn to the Chicago area, once-elusive snowy owls have been seen at Montrose Harbor and other spots along the shores of Lake Michigan, delighting birders eager to see this beautiful raptor that typically stays close to its Arctic home. More...
  18. The Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Board of Trustees recommended to the legislature that $27,677,800 in funds be awarded to 76 recreational development projects in 2014. If approved, this could bring nearly $3.1 million to Upper Michigan projects on the list. More...
  19. A Department of Natural Resources early warning program is preventing an invasive species of frog- European frog bit-that has entered into Michigan waters from Canadian waterways from destroying native aquatic plants. More...
  20. A total of 174 local students helped to harvest and plant over 12,000 units of dune grass along the shores of Lake Huron in November, in an effort to improve the health of local beaches. More...
  21. Grand Rapids is getting a major assist from about a 300-mile stretch of beaches along Lake Michigan known as the Gold Coast, which runs from South Haven, north to Traverse City, Petoskey and beyond. More...
  22. City officials have taken a significant step toward opening what's currently viewed as a dead end between the downtown and lakefront in an effort to continue revitalization efforts in the area. More...
  23. Snowy owls are currently being found in every northeastern state and even in some southern ones. Six of them have been sighted at the Syracuse, N.Y., airport alone. More...
  24. Coastal marshes are among the most productive of all the world's ecosystems - as productive as tropical rainforests when it comes to biomass per acre - and healthy coastal marshes are crucial to the health of the Great Lakes. More...
  25. Conservation, cutoff accountability and funded restoration formulas are reasonable minimum conditions for any great lakes water application. More...
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