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Everything posted by Fowlpursuit

  1. Went 2/2 tonight. Started in 40 made it to 90. 1 12#laker and 1 15# king. Both in 65fow on 175' copper with a green dolphin shoe horn spoon.. Sounded pretty slow out there for everyone.
  2. What depth were u fishing? And what depth were the fish at?
  3. Never ceases to amaze me how often boats run right over good numbers of fish all to go join the "fleet"
  4. It's crazy. 5 years ago it did this on 4th of July.. My brother and I headed out..got beat up pretty good by 4-6 footers but in 1 pass pier heads to tunnel park and back 25-50fow we totally boxed out on monster kings,giant steel head and a few dandy lakers.. Took a cruise to the beach tonight and it broke my heart to see the fishy water with no boats upon it. I know wat ur all thinking-y didn't I go out? It's because I no longer have my big boat and now unfortunately restricted to a 14footer.. Hopefully someone will capitalize on the fish before the big red this weekend..they'll prolly catch them all..lol
  5. Yes loading the rod only helps to get the bow outa the line faster.. Hook setting is done as the fish removes the line from the release.. Hence the importance of release and tension.. If that hook isn't planted by the time u see ur rod bucking odds of the fish making it to the net is dramatically reduced.
  6. Agreed down riggers aren't as effective as they once were. Dipsys and slide divers are better delivery application choices. And wire divers rein supreme in that department. However I hate to say this but copper is probably the #1 fish producer. Particularly the 300' 45 copper. It's not necessarily fun to deploy or retrieve and fighting fish isn't that enjoyable either but when push comes to shove whether fish are active or not copper will almost always put fish in the box.
  7. Looks pretty sweet.. Bet it'll catch some fish... Not to change the subject but how do you like single hooks on ur flys as I see in the pic..? Tied some up the other day and went 0/2 on one rig in 45mins so I swapped back to trebles
  8. 2/4 got a nice 17# king and a 12# steelie. And 2 huge rips on a chrome/green flasher on a dipsy 3# 90 back. Fish we did land were on 175 copper with a monkey puke shoe horn spoon. Fished 50-60 fow north of pier.
  9. Wow awesome fish. What depth did u find ur fish in?
  10. Can't tell you for sure.. I fish holland port. But based on reports I've read and heard 60-90fow. Coppers of appropriate lengths/spoons. Mono/wire dipsys-flasher/flys,meat. Also with the cool water I would not me afraid to stick out some high lines off boards for the steelhead that are sure to be patrolling the near shore waters. Good luck
  11. What port? What depth ? Colors? If ur gonna give a report,.... Please give a report
  12. U might also try switching to single hooks..possibly rig them with a barrel swivel between the spoon and single hook. I've come to realize that during a fishes struggle for freedom the treble hooks multiple points actually work against one another.. On side gives leverage and can pop the hook loose. I have tried the with all my flys and definitely saw a decrease in lost fish. I also use a "tonic" plug which utalizes a large single hook I've yet to lose a fish on it yet.. Best of luck
  13. The pods u marked were probably alewife. I was in 40fow weds night. Picked up a 12lb sheepy on a dipsy 85 back #3 on a JP slammer. Marked bait on bottom in hopes they were perch I started jigging a Hopkins on top of them, and.... Had a hit right away only to reel up an alewife.. Lol
  14. Any gps or speec on your fish finder outa do the trick. I always used the arc of my dipsy rods to identify down speed. I never found a real value in the speed readout once I did get a down speed/temp. The huge value I found was the tempeture read out... That was huge in our success. It alowed us to stay away from the crowds catch ALOT more fish and show our catch off at weigh in. Temp is the #1 variable in locating kings. If forced to choose between a graph and a down Speed/temp is choose the down speed/temp Everytime
  15. It is miles per hour. SOG mean "speed over ground" via boat speedometer or gps..."speed at ball" is the speed taken from the probe down at fishing depth. The difference in these speeds can vary greatly depending on current
  16. Wow! U guys put my 18.9lb -2008 and 19.4lb 2011 to shame. Guess it doesn't help my salmon fishing started in 2006 and ended in 2012. Didn't make it out last year but probably could have set a personal best..maybe this year will give me a 20+ pounder... Great stories though. Keep em' comin
  17. Wha type of additive? I've got a Johnson 15 horse and it runs good just seems not to be getting full rpm's... Maybe this is the issue
  18. Thought it would be interesting to hear how/what you believe are the best big fish tecniques. Just curios if there's a certain method to the madness. Please try to include as much of the following; Fish size- What port- Time of year- Lure- Presentation(diver,rigger,core,copper, ect..) Depth- Any other conditions as best as u can remember. Thanks guys this should be fun and interesting
  19. Blacks.. Super simple never fail. Easy tension adustment you can load the rod till the tip is in the water. Anglers fail to realize that the loading of the rod is crucial as it takes up slack when a fish hits. They also fail to realize that it is the realease itself responsible for setting the hook. Set ur tension too loose and I'll lose a lot of fish. When set properly the hook is set by the time you see the rod bouncing.
  20. Just curious what size kings are you getting?
  21. Thanks blood run for you input. Also thank you for all the work you guys put in over there to help put fish on our boats. Though changes in my life have now restricted me to my aluminum 14 footer coppers are still my "go to" presentation with great results
  22. The cheaper user friendly method ( one I use) is a 5 gallon bucket off each side tied to you front cleats.. They are out of the way and very effective. Drill a couple 1" holes in the bottom.
  23. Welcome! What port do you fish out of? U should find this site very informational. No shortage of people willing to help out either. Post ur questions at ur leisure.
  24. Tho it's a pain to ensure a full fill I wind copper on reel first then my desired backing then using a cordless drill and an empty wire spool I spin it all back of and re-put it on my reel in the reverse order. This ensures I have the maximum amount of backin my reel is capable of holding.
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