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Everything posted by gmfishon

  1. you can catch fish on plugs at a variety of speeds. i fish them a lot before the typical fall time when most tend to run them. they will catch fish strectched back from the ball trolling fast for active fish or slow trolled for the fall stageing fish.
  2. i dig out the olds tuff from time to time. was just wondering about the old tadpollys dont have any now but wish i did that lure cought everything that swims.
  3. poachers are just plain criminals-no other way around it , on a positive note nice mid day, late season trip!
  4. overall the service is ok. I would maybe email versus phone and or a combination. don't know if they are called drag or spool washers. whichever I am sure its your problem A blindfolded monkey could install them.
  5. welcome to the sport and site. they can be cought but it usually takes some hunting for them. kings and Chinook are the same fish. browns can often be found close to shore in the late fall months, as well as lake trout-must be released in many areas.
  6. speckchaser i would ask the guys catching them how far back they are running whatever baits and approx speed. hang in there because when the blind squrile finds a nut he finds number 2 and 3 and...
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