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Everything posted by jeffsisson

  1. Nice job Don and team, even sweeter when done with Kids!!!
  2. I have use chrome and straight internet explorer neither will work from my phone Droid. Don't know how to send screen shot but I dont think it would help cuz all it says is web site not available. It's just this site i can back out and go to any other site I want. Never use to do this could always access just fine until about 4-6 wks ago. Windows 7 on lap top no problem. Just my Droid phone.
  3. Robert, I know to some this is going to sound crazy but I only eat a couple dont really like em. I catch and release some if I'm sure they will make it or I end up giving it away! Last yr my sons and I got 28 we kept and I still have pleanty in the freezer! I fish mostly out of Muskegon. Live in Lowell Mi. if you are serious about wanting some fish I know me and the boys will be up the end of July first of Aug (Muskegon) I will gladly give you some we catch! PM me your info and I'll get a hold of you when I have unwanted fish! Congrats on the catch!
  4. Sounds like your doing it right. I'm with Gnarf I always set so drag is just tight enough to hold ( I do this with my dipseys as well they always still trip once fish is on but drag screams out as well!Seems to really set the hook in ) and I never use the board release.
  5. I have the same deal on my Droid I cant access and this is the only site I can't access. No prob on my computer hate not having phone access PITA! Been this way for at least a month!
  6. You can also run lead or copper off the back center of the boat refered to as down the shoot ussually one rod very common very difficult to run more than one off back because if the amount of line let out end up with a real mess with turns and currents. As mentioned best with planners off side 50ft or so apart and always ur deepest or furthest out closest to the boat example: five color out off side 150 ft , 7 color 100ft off side of the boat and 10 color 50ft off side of the boat this way if fish hit furthest out as the fish comes behind the boat it comes over top of the other lines ideally,hopefully,ussually
  7. You can also run lead or copper off the back center of the boat refered to as down the shoot ussually one rod very common very difficult to run more than one off back because if the amount of line let out end up with a real mess with turns and currents. As mentioned best with planners off side 50ft or so apart and always ur deepest or furthest out closest to the boat example: five color out off side 150 ft , 7 color 100ft off side of the boat and 10 color 50ft off side of the boat this way if fish hit furthest out as the fish comes behind the boat it comes over top of the other lines ideally,hopefully,ussually
  8. Congrads on the finish days like that r fishermens dream and erase a lot of the nightmares thanks for the report
  9. Whites just started last weekend up here in Michigan !!!!!
  10. Nice job Jim! Where they still getting the perch to the south (big pile of boats in front of bath house)? Do ya know?
  11. Was out there Sat as well knocking the snot out of the perch water sure was flat great day for kids congrats on the fish
  12. Sorry about that Ed best bait was a tie between minnows and perch eyes and a couple on wax worms (one nice 12 incher on waxie)
  13. Got a late start hit water about 4:30 ish planned on fishing perch for a while then switch over to the troll ended up only perching it ended up with a 100 so 20 OFF a limit for 4 guys two who never been 65fow lake laid right down calm biggest few where 12 1/2 7/8ths lbs averaged out to just about 9 1/2 inches all an all a great night on the water with great friends and some delicious yellow bellies
  14. Just text Ron these r sold correct Ron????
  15. Very nice thanks for sharing !
  16. With 4 kids who all luv to fish (16,15,13,9 three oldest boys youngest 9 yr girl) I am religated to gear set up rod puller net man and driver and loving every minute of it ! We around 15 fish 20 + 30# being our largest official weighted fish hottest for us where dipsey spin doctor green/ blue and frog type flies all in late July and august don't combat fish on our vacation first part of august we took 28 fish and 26 of them came on dipsey fly out of Muskegon countless others lost out of pentwatet later in Aug had much the same resualt mostly flies a couple off riggers biggest coho was 12#s that came outta Muskegon 30# king did as well in fact now need to stock back up on white green and glow spin doctors and white green /glow and black and plaid fishcatchers/ plaid prottoll flashers if anyone has any they would like to sell hit me a pm now on to the steelies!!!!!
  17. That's not Muskegon channel positive on that
  18. How deep do you set up this time of year generally for steel
  19. Jerome, Welcome to the site I think you will b very pleased the guys here are top notch outstanding advice and very willing to share. I have been fishing out of Muskegon and pentwater this yr not Holland there are some top shelve guys here that have been fishing Holland and I would heed thier advice more than mine but flies have been producing my huge fish ( best to date 30# several over 20 ) dispseys with white green/ glow spindoctors green glow fishcatcher and black disco fishcatcher with green/blue greenglow and green frog type (have rubber green strands with black dots mixed in with tinsel have been on fire set as short as 70 out to 225 best has been 140 and 165 in 80 to 110 but caught fish 45 to 210 fow . Caught 30# 28# and 26# all around 95 fow a few more 20# plus in 65 right off bottom guys have been doing well with meat rigs as well this year has shattered my personal best multiple times multiple fish been getting the larger fish at slow speed 2.5 to 1.9 GPS speed ( still need to invest in fishhawk) been getting steroids out deeper and faster 3.1. 3.4 best and best water 165 210 some guys have been out 300 fow again this is just what's been blowing up the big ones for me out of the ports mentioned above plenty of folks in here outta Holland that may have dif/ better advice good luck and report back Cheers
  20. I also fish mono dipseys I have heard all the pros to running braid so I ran some. I took half my dipsys and ran braid and half with mono I set my test up with same fly same flasher same dipsey setting ie ran 6 Riggs 2@ [email protected] off side and 2@ 0 right off the back I switched braid and mono back and forth port and starbord and in the 4 days I tested I took 16 fish on mono and 2 on braid I will never go back to braid the only thing I can figure is the stretch in the mono creates a dif action as it expands and contracts don't know do know I catch way more fish I use 20# main line 30# floro dipsey to flasher and 40# floro flasher to fly this is just my experience and what works for me never have a problem tripping but I check and set/adjust the screw tension so it just stays tight enough to run good luck!!
  21. Thanks for the report Bigger fish r in shallower 45 to 65 fow hitting at slow speeds 1.7 to. 2.1 taken a few @2.5 def nothing over 2.7 just off bottom this is just what's been working for me hope this helps
  22. Welcome Nick thanks for the post as always Captain Ed is right on the money big fish shallow after light / bef by mid morning slow down 1.7 - 2.1 we had some of our best action 1.9 it was fast and ferious for a minute we only had one rod out ( others wrapped in the mother of all tangles) dipsey fish catcher fly and took three fish so fast we seriously couldn't get another rod out as soon as we got it back to 145 and set it in the rod holder it would go off a riot we lost several fish over 24# s due to inexperienced fisher women buddy and I both landed 24 and 22 but we where doing all we could to get his wife hooked up on a big one had a blast didn't even care bout the ones that got away ended 6 for 13 or 14 Good luck and welcome
  23. I gotta agree captain Ed cuz I know for a fact we did not boat our largest fish we lost atleast 4 fish bigger than our biggest 24# !! =-O
  24. We ran boards with 10,7,5 lead with spoons and plugs then pulled them all and went to running 6 dipseys and two riggers ran dipseys on 3,1.5,0 settings ([email protected]@ 145--0@ 90 riggers set back 20ft at 50 and 45 down in 48 to 60 fow (bumped bottom more than a few times and would just raise them up a couple feet on north troll we took 5 or 6 hits at 2.1 to 1.8 and on south trolls we took all the rest including big kings @ 2.5 to 2.9 those r GPS speeds not at the ball in desp need of a fishhawk to get real temps and speed at ball all flies where run with either white spindoctors with green or mntdew on one side and glow on other or fishcatcher black paddles with plaid / green paddle with fish scale took couple hits as well didn't run any flys off plainers
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