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Everything posted by jeffsisson

  1. Nice report! Thanks for the detail! Great Job!
  2. Sure sounds like a transducer location issue like Ryan said.
  3. Nice job! Thanks for the report! Yes those are indian nets!
  4. Man when I was a kid 40 yrs ago or so my dad use to give me 10 cents a piece to catch him the soft shells out of the creeks, Man I thought I was rich!! He use to kill the perch on them! I havent used them in yrs went to minnows and small alewives, Didnt even realize folks where still using them! Old school I luv it! Thanks for the post and jogging my old memory sorry no info on where to buy!
  5. If I may ask a question, if you have the jet diver on the braid above leader your jet diver is aprox 51 ft from fish does the jet diver release or do you reel in and take it off never used them before but am real curious. Thanks in advance for the reply!
  6. Wow that's crazy Charles, what a dif a couple weeks make two weeks ago went 9 for 16 all on spd and flies, last week fished entire week cold cold water fishing was tough I figured this week with the water warming back up the flie bite would be back on! Thats the lake fish for ya!! Thanks for the comment back.
  7. 8 inch is my go to they are always out every trip, white paddle green on one side and glow on other and white paddle mnt dew one side green on other a few weeks back did real well with the blue dolphin chrome it was killing them with a green/blue flie (sunny day)! Good luck!
  8. Same as above double loop knot alaways. Never had one fail!
  9. Very Nice! Thanks for the report. Been tough fishing out of Muskegon the last week or so! Good to see a good report! Thanks again! Noticed no flie bite or did you not fish any?
  10. After last week its nice to see some fish back around!! Nice Job! Nice report!! Thanks!
  11. Jeff fish out of Muskegon and Grand Haven Michigan. I like Boltman dont get out as much as many but I live and breath the big water fishing watch reports weather /lake conditions track trends yr in and yr out, in an effort to put fish in the box when I can get out. Here's what I know so far this yr the size of the kings is more wide spread all ages and classes with a few larger 15# + and heard of a few over 20#'s last year on one trip we netted 28 fish and 16 of those fish where 20#'s or better with the biggest tipping in at 30#'s on the dot (official weigh scale) last year was an exceptional yr for large kings and out side the norm since the early 80's/late 70's. This yr I've caught more steelhead in shallower water than past (biggest 13.5#s), caught less both in size and number kings (biggest 17#s and less coho size and number ( biggest 11#'s), cold winter cold summer water has made it tough at least for me. This past week I was skunked three days in a row I can't remember the last time that I was skunked two days in row yet alone three days! humbling to say the least! Last 3 yrs I went the whole season with out a skunk. So for me tough tough yr thus far! But hey thats great lakes fishing! I luv it! will never stop doing it! will raise my kids fishing the big lake! and while it may be frustrating at times I will never regret one dollar or day spent doing it! Curious to hear from the real pro's on here as to their take on the yr so far. I hope more comment!!!
  12. What FOW where you fishing?? As you can see from my post I am sucking bad down here in MUskegon! If I can convince my disapointed kids into an afternoon trip today I will give you a shout on the radio! I have fished fron 27 fow all the way to 170 and cant buy a bite! literally my dad told the kids a story about a guy he fished with on the other side of the lake that when the fishing got slow he would have every one throw their pocket change into the lake in an attempt to buy off the fish gods!!! Man you should have saw my kids they couldnt get into their pockets fast enough!! there was change flying all over still couldnt buy a bite! I will be out most if not all of tomorrow with my son and his friend and father so I will try and get ahold of ya then as well! Good luck sorry I got nothing for yah!!! Humble pie is choking my whole crew apparently with more on the window sill cooling! We'll keep after them see what we can muster for a final day and 1/2 hope the fish gods smile on us atleast one day out of this vaca!! Good Luck out there!!
  13. Thanks Charles! We went out yesterday as well! I took a couple passes in close when I saw the 63 degree surface water and the bait balls around the pier got nothing going headed out to 80/90 fow for a couple passes nothing (48 degree surface temp) then out to 135 nothing headed out from there took a hit at 145 (47 surface temp) big steelie wasnt hard to see since he jumped about 4 ft lost him then nothing trolled out to 170 fow with nothing going but we didnt get to that 160/170 water until around 11am not the ideal time fished an hour or so and went in! First time ever in my life skunked two trips out in a row very humbling lol its lake mich oh well. Had the kids here for a week and with the fog cold water blah blah blah not a single fish in the boat! Kids are loosing interest in going out they dont want to go today (saturday) so we will probably not get out but Sunday my second oldest has a friend and his father coming out so we will be out all day Sure hope I can get them some fish. Already sent home a girlfriend of my daughters pretty disapointed with no fish. Again "hey that's big lake fishing and I just didnt put us on the fish!! Thanks for the reports I can use all the help I can get to get these kids some fish and keep the addiction alive for the next generation!!! Bolt man-- as you can see not worth a crap! I've been far to spoiled/ and lucky for to many years it finally caught up with me Fish winning!!! zero to the boat thus far only one more day to go!!
  14. Hey thanks Brett! Yah I'm going out in the morning with the girls we will give the deep water a try c what we can find Thanks for the response!
  15. Is anybody doing anything in Muskegon? Had my first skunk yesterday. Fog COLD crazy! since the water was so cold I fished from 27 fow to the mix water out to 120 markinging very very I mean very few fish heard some chatter out in the 200's but didnt head out found pockets of 55 degree top water mixed in amongst the 48 degree top water fished the breaks blah blah blah nothing nothing! Please help if ya can I have my daughter and her friend (friend never been fishing of any kind) going this afternoon and tomorrow morning sure would be great to put them on some fish! Gonna head out and start in the 200 and 300's cuz well if fished everything in close and couldnt find a fish! Heck there are guys starting to jig in muskegon lake maybe I ought start in there guys I'm at a loss never seen it like this--this late! Any help greatly apreciated!!:eek::
  16. Thanks Michael!! Only 4-8 ??? Sounds like a pretty good day to me!! Appreciate the spoon tip I didnt run any of those I stuck mostly with Blue dolphin UV/glow mag/ ss , lemon ice, and orange crush I couldnt get any takers so I just switched everything over to flies. I'll give the moonshine rv a soak next week but of course as we all know everything can change by the minute/hour/day ect. lol Thanks again and congrads on a nice catch!
  17. We fished Fri and all day Saturday there was a pocket north of muskegon pier where the surface was 63/64 between 80 and 70 Fow and the break was 45 ft down 42 degress we fished the surface break 63/64 a lot of debris was set up in some areas but there where a ton of big fish holding in that top water when we ventured out at about 120 130 the water was actually warmer and hit that 67 top water some smaller fish but nothing like the big ones we where picking up in tight so we headed back in and never left the 70 to 80 we where about the only boat in the that water all weekend! Went 9 for 16 biggest king 18 lbs biggest steel was 12 lbs and those fish in tight wanted nothing to do with anything but flies well atleast thats all we could get them to take! I will be out all of next week if anybody needs help find me on 68 call out is freshwater warrior I'll be happy to help out!! (Monday afternoon through Sunday)
  18. yup still have your number I will get in touch with you as next week progresses and the cooler (hopefully) gets to full of fish. The bait store up by snug harbor boat launch usually will let me store my ice jugs and fish in his freezer (provided it's the same owner) and we'll figure something out from there. Are you going to be in white hall two weekends from now?? (1st,2nd,3rd). We will be camping right at the state campground in Muskegon and our site is nearly on muskegon lake in fact my boat during the day will b parked just off the beach and we'll wade out to it. theres a 30ft. drop off there so its real easy to set an anchor and then step off into about 3 fow! ANy way I'll get in touch and we will figure out a plan! Also I dont get what you mean by " my coppers keep doing wheelies??" Can you explain for me what's happening??
  19. I always rub my flies on the fish I catch lures also. That is once I get one! Time after time that flie/lure goes again before any others out dry, I've had same flie same paddle same everything and the one I rub goes and goes so I became a believer yrs and yrs ago and now its second nature I always rub em down! I'm not so much with you on the pee on a spark plug !!!!!!
  20. Nice fish! Congrads both on the fish and the contest!!!!!!!!
  21. Nice Job! There some meat for the cooler! I will be out all next wk (muskegon) SO I will let you know If I have any extra to donate to the kids!lol!! Thanks for the report! Went like 9 for 16 or something like that I'd have to go read my post to be acurate, this past weekend fri night and staruday. I didnt keep any fish let the three newbies keep it all. I was only in 80 to 70 FOW I ran out but we didnt do any good out there so I swung around and went back! Sure was a beautiful weekend to be on the water!! I'm not sure if the newbies took more photos of the sun sets or their fish??? lol
  22. Sorry for the late report just got to a computer still dont have phone access to site (been months posted in report on it for android phone still show unaccessable) Went out Friday evening with three guys who have never even been on lake michigan yet alone hooked a fish out of it! Set lines at 6ish in 60ft of water not really expecting much but some time to teach! went to set second diver and first ripped first newbie pulled 12# steelhead DIver set at 80 on 3. sent back out. Set second (on 1.5 90 back) went to place third diver out (other side of the boat 3 out 80) second ripped 18.5 lbs King. 2 fish 2 newbies out of three had fish in 40 min. trolled out to 80 fow lost two 1 steel one nice king (third newbie just couldnt get the hang of it and didnt listen very well!) ended 4-6 all in 70 to 80 fow all divers set 3, 1.5, green sd with blue green fly. Saturday morning went 2-4 with the third newbie loosing 2 again and the other two 1 for 1 same water same flies no rigger bite pulled lines at 10:30 ran down to GH for lunch at Snug Harbor. Ran back up fished same water dropped lines at 72 fow and like the first day first rod ripped 10min in! Nice 10# Steelie. Ended Saturday evening 7 for 9 third newbie final picked up two steel 8-6 lbs but also lost 2 one being a very large king right at the boat caught 2 more KIngs 16lbs and 17lbs. 1 coho 8lbs the rest steelhead. All and all great weekend some folks just wont listen thus loose 6 fish! All fish 70 to 80 all on green sd green/glow all on blue green fly speed range depending on time of day from 2.3 to 3.0 (morning and late evening seem 2.3 to 2.5 best ) early afternoon 2.7 to 3.0 best) all on dipseys In fact no bite on spoons I pulled all lines ran 6 dipseys 3.0 1.5 and off the back .5 all took fish. All other boats where out in 120 and beyond most of the time we where the only boat in 80FOW. Hope this rambling helps you guys out lol!!! Oh btw I have a two strike rule you loose two in a row you hand off and go back in rotation glad I did not sure how many others we would have lost!! Two of the guys took right to it! The third wellll not impressed but hey thats how ya learn! Not sure this guy (friend of a friend is teachable he just wouldn't follow the program! Some would say a loud mouth know it all I'd say ****ty fisherman! but he didnt ruin the trip we had fun they all caught fish with memries for a life time! Thanks for all your help guys who responded to my post for help it definetly helped!!!!!!!!!!! Luv this site!!!
  23. Awesome job! Thanks for the report! Hope the action is as hot in Muskegon tomorrow/weekend!! Really appreciate the details!!! One question if I might ask? Where you fishing the edge around where the clear water meets the mud or right thru? Just curious. Thanks again for he great report and congrads!!
  24. Thanks Jacob and Nick!!! Man I really appreciate the info, I will most certainly give a shout out!! Especially if I find fish or a hot pattern. Just cant say enough about how awesome the guys and gals are on this site!!!
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