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About jeffsisson

  • Birthday 07/28/1966

Personal Information

  • Real Name
  • Biography
    fished all over the world, fished the great lakes and rivers since I was 5 yrs old
  • Location
    Lowell Michigan
  • Interests
    fishing hunting
  • Occupation
    who cares wish it was fishing :-D

jeffsisson's Achievements



  1. The last read I got from a guy actually involved with monitoring the alewife population/ reproduction/ egg counts. Stated they where impressed with the number of eggs showing in the female population sample this year!They where generally suprised and encouraged! This bodes well for the plants since the reduction was based on the alewife crash. No bait no plants less bait less plants. He was genuinely encouraged that if what they are seeing continues the plant numbers will be going back up in the next year or two! Lets hope so!!!
  2. Hey thanks for the report Frank! A couple buddies and I will be up next Thursday through the holiday weekend! Staying at the marina in Au Gres hope to get on some fish! Call out is Fresh water warrior since I'll be hauling my boat over. What channel are the fishermen on over on the Bay? West side salmon fishermen are usually on channel 68 not sure if thats the same east side or not! Again thanks for the report!
  3. Very nice report! Thanks! Congrads on the catch!!!
  4. thanks for the report! Nice Job!
  5. Nice report thanks for the update!
  6. I have a cannon mag 6 dual crank (6ft boom) with swivel base 200ft wire/ ball connectors, ready to fish I'd sell for 80 buck. But sorry not parting out! I do believe you can order a counter though!
  7. thanks for the updates! Where the perch fishermen still out there thick and heavy?
  8. Thanks for the great report!!!!!!! I'm not sure how much more you could've added besides GPS coordinates!lol! Thanks again, congrads on the catch and on passing inspection!
  9. Boltman, you know I'll come set lines for ya anytime I can! Hell I'm such a great guy I'll catch em land em. What ever ya need! But I will not eat them for you but you already know that! If you need the help or need a mate (do not confuse with cabin boy! lol) for friends, family, let me know and I will do what I can! More notice the better!
  10. Unfortunetly, I do most my viewing and reporting from my phone, Don't/ won't own a computer! Have one at work occasionally I get the time to get on. I have tried and tried to post pics. Been give the link on how to blah blah, I'm sure I'm an idiot and it can be done but I have been unsuccessful many many many times always get error message! So I don't even try anymore to post pics! But I do however tell everything I can. And I greatly appreciate all the help others have provided. I don't make it out that often but when I do they are really important trips, my kids (I'm divorced), Foster kids, Vets, Friends,Family. You folks plain and simple are the reason I catch any fish. Thats a fact! I don't need GPS cord! but every time I ask for FOW, whats hot, where to start depth wise, dipsey set backs ect. I get an answer every single time I ask every single time! Ussually its dead on! I thank you all for that! FOr my part I share everything I possibly can with the exception of pics so I try to explain in best detail! One of these days I will try to have some one better at this teach me how to upload photo's-- Prob one of my kids but I don't see them that much. I promise I will do what I can to provide correct in depth reports if I miss something or you want to know ask in a response and I will reply! Thank you all again many have helped me make many memories I otherwise wouldn't have with the one's near and dear to me! I truely hope to do the same for you.! CHeers Good LUck this season
  11. What size bags did you get? Yours is 18 I'm in a 23ft just trying to get a guess what size I need. I use buckets currently and get down to 2.1 but I want it slower for the east side for walleye. So I'm thinking about going with bags! Salmon I like anything from 2.1 up to 3 usually I'm right around 2.5 the majority of the time for steelhead I like 3.0 3.4 picked up salmon at those speeds as well. I let the fish tell me. I start at 2.5 and make S turns watch what gets hit inside or outside and adjust accordingly. Good Luck!
  12. I do a lot of Flasher/Flie fishing. 8inch spin doctor/fishcather almost exclusively use 22" leads but will extend to 28, 8"protrol or pro king paddle type flashers I sit 28 to 32. On the larger flashers 11inch I will run normally 32 to 38. my speed varies from 2.2 to 3.2 and I sit the majority of the time right around 2.5. Twill23 is 100% correct you need to determan the many factors of your target for best results!
  13. Done it for years, the video above is a good start. Works a lot better for steelhead in the spring than salmon in the fall imo. I also drift with bobber for steelhead wiht a small jig and grub (waxworm) this is very successful once you get the hang of it the jig must be just touching bottom and you twitch the rod as it floats down. its a twitch , twitch, float twitch twicth float type rythem and just deadly ussually pink head (1/16 or 1/8) with white feathers tipped with waxworm is most productive. Like everything there is a time and place this works early in the run up to when they start getting on beds then I switch to all sorts of flies and sometimes tip them with spawn or waxworm as well. Now salmon in the fall a very sucessful trick early is to put a very small egg pattern on your hook and then run a full crawler behind it but this only works for the first couple of weeks. A lot of folks do it now but back in the day at 6th street folks use to laugh at me and my buddy when they would see use pull out crawlers but not for long once they saw us out fishing them all. this wasnt with bobber though. Deadly when salmon first come in. Good luck practice practice practice drift has got to be perfect for the above mentioned steelhead tactic wether spawn floating or jig. oh another note use slip bobbers so you can adjust and get the bag or jig just touching (bouncing) off bottom! Again good luck
  14. Welcome! While the site is a little quite right now you will find great guys with a wealth of info and willing to share! This is not a bragging site! Every one shares if everyone shares so the more info when posting the better,port out of, Depth, speed, Temp, dipsey's back, lure/type/name or color. any and all info apreciated. No questions to dumb except the ones not asked. And trust me I've asked a lot of question. Have fun enjoy! Great guys here just can't say enough positive or count the number of fish these guys have put on my boat! Welcome and Good Luck!
  15. We do the same as above but in some jars we replace the Ketchup with BBQ sauce and we put onion and a small piece of garlic clove in the quart jar. For a little kick you can also put a splash of hot sauce on the ketchup or BBQ. We don't add vinigar either the Ketchup/BBQ/hot sauce seem to have enough vinigar as stated above. All awesome, we do a few of each just to change things up so we dont get sick of the same ole! Try it!!!
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