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Everything posted by caznik

  1. Can you do a Magazine... All we need is someone in charge of the magazine and some writers to write up articles. Rich
  2. Our Goal is to make $3000.00 As of now- $172.00 1-Caznik= paid $95.00 2- fishsniffer(GLF) 3- Sixshooter(MS) 4- Tgafish(MS) 5- Paulywood(GLF)= paid $75.00/waiver 6- Dirty Dog(GLF) 7- Doughman(MS) 8- GLF(GLF) 9- Sea-Mac(GLF) 10- Bluedevil(GLF) 11- Joelsanders(GLF) 12- Catfishhoge(MS) 2007 Dreamweaver Challenge Champ=paid $95.00/waiver 13- mmac1318(MS) 14- Satisfaxion_Gauranteed(GLF) 15- Makowish(MS) 16- Tad Pole(MS) 17- Flyguy(MS) 18- Hunt4ever(MS) 19- tltorrice(GLF) 20- Severus(MS) 21- Duckman1(MS) 22- Trout Tracker(MS) 23- Marrble Eyes(MS) 24- Ahasiec(MS) 25- Doug DeF(MS) 26- Losin Lures(GLF) 27- Thefishdog(MS)Adjusted3 28- Redeagle(GLF) 29- Spoonfed(GLF) 30- Mudpuppy carleton(MS) 31- CAC(GLF) 32- Bowonly(MS) 33- Bigbeef(MS) 34- Ford719(GLF) 35- tcampbell30(MS) 36- Fig Newton(MS) 37- the8point(GLF) 38- Kayceedee(MS) 39- Unreel (GLF) 40- Oakley (MS) 41- goldy lox (GLA) 42- mahemm (GLA) 43- Poleholder (MS) 44- shelbyrue (MS) 45- Deadwater (GLA) 46- 47- 48- 49- 50- Come on member's, just need 05 more and we will have our 50. This tournament is fun and you can meet alot of great member's from this site. Saturday if you pick up your lures the day before the tourney. Bring a chair with you and chat with all of us. Bring some Lake Michigan water and have a great time. But leave Caznik out of the bad water, he needs to fish the next day...
  3. Our Goal is to make $3000.00 As of now- $172.00 1-Caznik= paid $95.00 2- fishsniffer(GLF) 3- Sixshooter(MS) 4- Tgafish(MS) 5- Paulywood(GLF)= paid $75.00/waiver 6- Dirty Dog(GLF) 7- Doughman(MS) 8- GLF(GLF) 9- Sea-Mac(GLF) 10- Bluedevil(GLF) 11- Joelsanders(GLF) 12- Catfishhoge(MS) 2007 Dreamweaver Challenge Champ=paid $95.00/waiver 13- mmac1318(MS) 14- Satisfaxion_Gauranteed(GLF) 15- Makowish(MS) 16- Tad Pole(MS) 17- Flyguy(MS) 18- Hunt4ever(MS) 19- tltorrice(GLF) 20- Severus(MS) 21- Duckman1(MS) 22- Trout Tracker(MS) 23- Marrble Eyes(MS) 24- Ahasiec(MS) 25- Doug DeF(MS) 26- Losin Lures(GLF) 27- Thefishdog(MS)Adjusted3 28- Redeagle(GLF) 29- Spoonfed(GLF) 30- Mudpuppy carleton(MS) 31- CAC(GLF) 32- Bowonly(MS) 33- Bigbeef(MS) 34- Ford719(GLF) 35- tcampbell30(MS) 36- Fig Newton(MS) 37- the8point(GLF) 38- Kayceedee(MS) 39- Unreel (GLF) 40- Oakley (MS) 41- goldy lox (GLA) 42- mahemm (GLA) 43- Poleholder (MS) 44- 45- 46- 47- 48- 49- 50- Come on member's, just need 07 more and we will have our 50. This tournament is fun and you can meet alot of great member's from this site. Saturday if you pick up your lures the day before the tourney. Bring a chair with you and chat with all of us. Bring some Lake Michigan water and have a great time. But leave Caznik out of the bad water, he needs to fish the next day...
  4. Zurmmy here are my rules for 2008: Tournament Rule's 1- Must pay entry fee at 4:30am(If you cannot make it and you think that you will be late than please call my cell phone) 2- All fishing events start at 5 am and must pull lines at 11am. 3- Weigh in starts at 12:30(If you get called two times at the weigh in and you are not there. You will be DQed 4- Cost is $15.00 a boat.($5.00 of it goes towards big fish) 5- All boats must only use 6 rods 6- 2-4 Man teams(If you have 4 or more fishermen in your boat as a team you can only catch a 3 MAN LIMIT) 7- Weigh in 5 fish of any kind (Salmon, Coho, Steelheads, Browns, and Lakers) 8- Each fish you bring in at the weigh in is 10 points each.(Up to 5 fish) 9- Make sure when you weigh your big fish for the big fish prize money that you know what fish is your biggest.(NO CHECKING AT THE SCALES) 10- NO - CULL RULE- If you net the fish or box the fish you must keep the fish. There will be no more throwing back fish or less they are under size. If you limit out on kings you might as well go in, because you are most likely to get kings most of the time anyways. Remember your fish counts as 10 points now and it does not matter what fish you get. 11- All captains that fish any event must sign a waiver form before they fish any event. You only have to sign it one time and it will cover you for all five events. This was my old rules that was very fun to back about 3 years ago: - Meet at 4:30am to pay 2- Cost will be $15.00 ($5 of it will go for big fish) 3- Fishing starts at 5am ends at 11am (pull lines at 11am) 4- 6 rod limit 5- 2-4 man teams (If you have a 4 man team you must only catch a 3 man limit) 6- Weigh in 5 fish on anykind (Salmon,Cohos, Lake Trout, Steelheads, and Browns.) 7- Do not have more than 5 fish at weigh in. 8- You must know what is your big fish. No checking at the scales. 9- No showing off your fish before weigh in. 10- No Cull 11- No Tie Breakers 12- Must be a Michigan Sportsman member or a Great Lakes Fisherman member. Points System: 1- Browns 20pts. 2- Steelheads 15pts 3- Kings 10pts. 4- Cohos 5pts. 5- Lake Trout 0pts Bonus points: 1- Cliped anipost fin 5pts (the 5 fish that you weigh in only ) Either way was allways fun...
  5. Ya this snow sucks now, but it will be gone by next weekend. Rich How about ice fishing tonight?
  6. Well Guys, Looks like I am just staying home now because of all this darn snow. good luck if ya go, Rich
  7. This brown was caught in the last West Michigan fishing league event in 2006 with GLF and Waterfoul. Fish was caught by waterfoul and weighed around 10-12lbs., I think.. Caznik
  8. Where did they do that? At the GR show I had 3 fishermen buy me beer once again... And thanked me for running this. After all that beer I forgot where I parked my car... I will have my cell phone on bud and hope you all have very good luck. Rich
  9. Let it snow...I will still fish:D Caznik
  10. Hey, Just like to know if there are any member's that are going out river fishing Saturday morning at the K-ZOO river and if so would you like to chat back and forth on fishing info and reports of any catches. My plans are to start from the bridge and go down stream. Any member's? Rich
  11. Our Goal is to make $3000.00 As of now- $172.00 1-Caznik= paid $95.00 2- fishsniffer(GLF) 3- Sixshooter(MS) 4- Tgafish(MS) 5- Paulywood(GLF)= paid $75.00/waiver 6- Dirty Dog(GLF) 7- Doughman(MS) 8- GLF(GLF) 9- Sea-Mac(GLF) 10- Bluedevil(GLF) 11- Joelsanders(GLF) 12- Catfishhoge(MS) 2007 Dreamweaver Challenge Champ=paid $95.00/waiver 13- mmac1318(MS) 14- Satisfaxion_Gauranteed(GLF) 15- Makowish(MS) 16- Tad Pole(MS) 17- Flyguy(MS) 18- Hunt4ever(MS) 19- tltorrice(GLF) 20- Severus(MS) 21- Duckman1(MS) 22- Trout Tracker(MS) 23- Marrble Eyes(MS) 24- Ahasiec(MS) 25- Doug DeF(MS) 26- Losin Lures(GLF) 27- Thefishdog(MS)Adjusted3 28- Redeagle(GLF) 29- Spoonfed(GLF) 30- Mudpuppy carleton(MS) 31- CAC(GLF) 32- Bowonly(MS) 33- Bigbeef(MS) 34- Ford719(GLF) 35- tcampbell30(MS) 36- Fig Newton(MS) 37- the8point(GLF) 38- Kayceedee(MS) 39- Unreel (GLF) 40- Oakley (MS) 41- goldy lox (GLA) 42- mahemm (GLA) 43- 44- 45- 46- 47- 48- 49- 50- Come on member's, just need 08 more and we will have our 50. This tournament is fun and you can meet alot of great member's from this site. Saturday if you pick up your lures the day before the tourney. Bring a chair with you and chat with all of us. Bring some Lake Michigan water and have a great time. But leave Caznik out of the bad water, he needs to fish the next day...
  12. Welcome Salmon Chaser
  13. Our Goal is to make $3000.00 As of now- $172.00 1-Caznik= paid $95.00 2- fishsniffer(GLF) 3- Sixshooter(MS) 4- Tgafish(MS) 5- Paulywood(GLF)= paid $75.00/waiver 6- Dirty Dog(GLF) 7- Doughman(MS) 8- GLF(GLF) 9- Sea-Mac(GLF) 10- Bluedevil(GLF) 11- Joelsanders(GLF) 12- Catfishhoge(MS) 2007 Dreamweaver Challenge Champ=paid $95.00/waiver 13- mmac1318(MS) 14- Satisfaxion_Gauranteed(GLF) 15- Makowish(MS) 16- Tad Pole(MS) 17- Flyguy(MS) 18- Hunt4ever(MS) 19- tltorrice(GLF) 20- Severus(MS) 21- Duckman1(MS) 22- Trout Tracker(MS) 23- Marrble Eyes(MS) 24- Ahasiec(MS) 25- Doug DeF(MS) 26- Losin Lures(GLF) 27- Thefishdog(MS)Adjusted3 28- Redeagle(GLF) 29- Spoonfed(GLF) 30- Mudpuppy carleton(MS) 31- CAC(GLF) 32- Bowonly(MS) 33- Bigbeef(MS) 34- Ford719(GLF) 35- tcampbell30(MS) 36- Fig Newton(MS) 37- the8point(GLF) 38- Kayceedee(MS) 39- Unreel (GLF) 40- Oakley (MS) 41- goldy lox (GLA) 42- 43- 44- 45- 46- 47- 48- 49- 50- Come on member's, just need 09 more and we will have our 50. This tournament is fun and you can meet alot of great member's from this site. Saturday if you pick up your lures the day before the tourney. Bring a chair with you and chat with all of us. Bring some Lake Michigan water and have a great time. But leave Caznik out of the bad water, he needs to fish the next day...
  14. Welcome Bob and Fish on... Caznik
  15. There go's Mike... http://msn.foxsports.com/nascar/pgStory?contentId=7915698#sport=NASCAR&photo=7920000&tten=0
  16. what do we go by? Points or win and loses. Points I am kicking butt... Catch me if you can, Rich
  17. I would run mine in a V pattern to but I think it is to close to my side ones, so i run them straight back till I get a fish on then i will put them in a V pattern. Richhhh:D
  18. Last year it was the lowest i have ever seen it to.
  19. Here is some info and you might want to make some calls for a marina. If I was you I'd only keep my boat on the Frankfort side and not the Elberta due to low water on the Elberta side. I cannot remember the name of the marina that my folks use to use but it has bathrooms and showers with it and right there in town for your wife to shop. If she like craft sales then go the weekend of August 17th. Here ya go, check these links out: http://www.frankfort-elberta.com/ http://www.frankforttacklebox.com/
  20. Yes they do and it is only like 1 mile from the lake.
  21. My wife hates it when I post her picture....
  22. Let me know if you like any info on Frankfort. Rich
  23. Good deal, You must give Frankfort a try and I like to go the weekend before the Benzie frenzy. The town of Frankfort is really nice and has a great campground called the Betsi River camp site. When fishing at Frankfort to, it gets deeper very fast and you only have to go out about 2-3 miles and you will be in 200' of water. I have done very good there on Memoreal weekend and Labor day weekend. Get up there and fish... Caznik
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