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Everything posted by bricketts72

  1. Sent from my 2PQ93 using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  2. 2 for 2 in 12-20 fow N of Holland Pier. Rapala Fire Tiger and Perch. Steele and Brown in the boat. Sent from my 2PQ93 using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  3. Went to 80 fow set lines straight out of Holland waves were horrible no hits trolled in with many other boats

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  4. Fishing Holland 7/12 pm 95_115 south troll nice king 45 down nat killer also Coho on lemon ice diver not out for some reason grabbed it top of water . Lots of boats
  5. Yeah my son is 14 he is more than ready to start fishing out there so I got a new boat and decided it was time to get back in the game.
  6. I fish the lake's with no net for years ,so that became the boat name
  7. Holland 7/6 pm south troll 45-55 down two steelhead and a Coho 105-115 fow

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  8. South troll Holland 7/6 105-115 two steelies one Coho pm 45-55 down:
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