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About Dalevan

  • Birthday 05/26/1963

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  1. We fished Holland hard yesterday morning and came up empty. 1 hit at 6:45 and after that nothing. I am wondering if the Kings have moved farther north. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App

  2. Thanks! It's such a joy being out there. 

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  3. My wife and I decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather and get set up for a new season. We started at 1:30 so I didn't expect much. Fished just south of the stacks, no one else around for most of the afternoon. Fished spoons and thin fins btw 20 and 60 fow. Nothing. Decided to pull lines at 5 in about 25 feet of water when I got hammered by this beautiful 21 pound King. Great way to end the day! He hit a spoon not sure what the name is- silver on one half, yellow and orange on the other half. My wife and I had a blast getting him in. What a gift this lake is! Sent from my SM-G950U1 using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  4. The little guy was able to reel on in. He was VERY excited. Sent from my SM-G935V using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  5. Great morning. Set lines around 6:30 straight out in 80fow. 3 for 3. 10# king, 7# coho, and 6# steelhead. All caught on west troll, btw 7 and 8am, all downrigger, down 50 in 100-120 fow. 2 on green splatter back plug, 1 on the blue. Had a friend and his 10 year old son along. First trip for both! Sent from my SM-G935V using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  6. Yep, had to bite my tongue on that one!
  7. We had a gorgeous and eventful morning out there. 2 for 5. Both steelies, 7lb and 8.5. Lost a real nice fish at the boat and another ran off with a whole bunch of gear. I bought a new DreamWeaver meet rig on Monday and had my first hit and fish! Unfortunately he hammered it and blew up my Cabela's rod holder. Last I saw - rod, reel, dipsy and meat rig were all headed for Milwaukee. An expensive though very effective lesson - don't put $150 of gear in the hands of a $20 piece of plastic. Anyway - it was a great morning to be on the Lake. All hits were around 65 FOW. Ace Hi Blue splatter back plug had three hits.
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