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Everything posted by huntingfool43

  1. A little food for thought.When sponsers donate prizes they don't like the idea of someone selling what they win. I know Big Jon stipulated the last couple years(can't speak for this year) that the down riggers were not to be sold for more than I beleive dealers cost. Even the Summer Fun tourneyment that beave had the sponsers didn't want to see their prizes being sold.The last thing you want to do is piss off the sponsers because with out them we would not have a tourneyment.
  2. Mike Thanks for the ride today . It was a great time on the water, to bad our hook to land ratio sucked so bad maybe we would have done better than 3rd place finish. Roger great fishing with ya, hope to do it again sometime.
  3. Nailer I am pretty sure Big Jon and Fish Hawk will not work together. Get ahold of bluedevil, he had the head unit for sale for a Fish Hawk a while back.
  4. It is a for a Great Cause fishctchr and Thank You for donating the trip as a prize. I know last year was a blast folks so sign up and come out and have a good time. You don't need biggest boat or all the latest high tec gadgets to enter, it's just a bunch of guys getting together and supporting a great cause and having fun doing it. We are all limited to the exact same spoons and flies so nobody has an advantage, lots of fun. And you never know, you could walk away with a new set of Big Jon's or a charter boat trip or one of many other great prizes. PS: Just talked to Fisherman's Landing yesterday and they have plenty of camp sites still open so you can make a weekend of it it you want.
  5. Good job on the fish Frank. Glad you had a good shake down, to bad about the prop. Been there done that myself.
  6. Nice looking rig Nick. Now go get some slime on her and break her in right.
  7. Nice job Mike and crew. Mike if ya need a crew sometime give me a call.
  8. Good job Terry on a real nice tom. Hope the aholes in the car got a visit from the DNR.
  9. Got my first choice too, but then again I didn't have to apply. I take the 234 hunt because it gives me more time to play in the woods.
  10. Nice buck Ed. I know right where the cop is, see lots of nice bucks in the area driving down the roads.
  11. Congrats to the guys lucky enough to score, it has been a weird season around here. Hunted private land north east of Hastings for the opener and saw 10 but they would not come near the woods. In the after noon took my son out on my property close to Springport and he had a chance at a nice 6 point but blew it. Saw one doe Sunday morning and that has been it.
  12. joelsanders

    Thanks for the invite to go fishing 11/1 but you were right I was bow hunting.

  13. GOOD JOB Jay
  14. Good job Ed.
  15. It's a crock of BS. Another way for thhe goverment to stick it to ya. The last time I bought an altenator at Auto Zone I took the old one with me and they still charged me a core charge, taxed it then gave me the credit for the core but not the tax. I argued with them about the core charge because I brought the core with me, they said according to the law it was legal for them to do it that way. You can't win.
  16. Good luck EdB, hope your youth hunter bags a trophy. Can't wait till my daughter is old enough to take out.
  17. It was the first Early Antlerless season in Michigan. The DNR is tring to figure out a way to lower deer numbers in the Soutern Lower. It was a weapon of choice but if you used archery you had to wear hunter orange.
  18. Good Job EdB I understand you had a rookie crew for Friday's trip. Good job on getting them some fish.
  19. Good Job Mike(sea-mac) and crew
  20. csootsman We have camped at Insta Launch the last few years over Labor Day and it is allways the same, REAL SKINNY water where the river goes into the lake. Manistee Lake is no trouble, it's just getting to it. Do your self a favor and either slip your boat in the channel closer to the big lake or trailer it to the City Launch.
  21. fishsniffer Not sure why you would have any bad feelings about the league. The league has been around for a few years now and it has always been a blast. Jim stepped up to make sure everyone still had a chance to fish it in Rich's absents. Give Jim a chance, like he said there is a captian's meeting at the weigh in to iron things out.
  22. JWheeler I agree, total BS. I made the trip to Holland yesterday and put enough gas in the truck to get figurring the price would be cheaper over there. Sure enough I pulled into the gas station in Byron Center to meet up with Mike(seamac) and gas was 3.76. We were still on the water when I heard someone on the radio say they just jumped gas .20 a gallon. Sure enough we get back to Byron center and the same station is at 3.98 a gallon. What a crock of bull.
  23. Good Job Nick. We went 7 for 11 last night fishing with SeaMac out of Holland. It was a nice night on the water except for the flies, pessky little @$^%^.
  24. Had a great time Mike, anytime. We ended up with 31 perch. Farmer Jay nice seeing ya again , the only rhing you are lacking is a straw hat.
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