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Everything posted by AllenW

  1. Caught a Lake Trout on Superior that had a bunch of little gray wormy things that looked like miniature leeches, maybe an inch long on it. Anybody know what they are and would fish been safe to eat?? Lamprey's maybe?? tia Al
  2. Thanks all, have the Fish Hawk hooked up and as soon as I get the riggers and FH wired for power I'm off to try the new boat and see what happens. Al
  3. Your not that far from me, if you want to see how I'm installing mine, your welcome to come look. I live just off of crosstown (62) and 34 ave so. Al
  4. Have the same problem with my Larson FX 2020 DC as the gunnels are curved. Had planed on using one 6 foot Trax track on each side, and that would have taken care of rod holders and down rigger mounts, but between the curve and uneven underside of the gunnel, I'm going with two tracks on each side. One shorter one for the rod holders that are located to the right or left of the drivers/passengers seats and a longer one for the rest of the rod holders and rigger mounts. I'm going to use a spacer to make up the gap in the gunnel in the rear track, it's a bit of a pain but seems the best way to do it. Just starting to mount them so we'll see how this goes. Al
  5. Thanks guys. al
  6. Thanks much, I was trying to remember where I put the manuals. Al
  7. I found a guy (VTsalmonslayer) on the Lake Ontario United Fishing Forum who sells 13# torpedo weights and ordered two, I'll have to check but they may be a bit much for my Cannon mag 10 riggers and if so, I'll whittle then down a few pounds. Al
  8. Just curious, you get less blow back I assume, but wondering why? Just added a Fish hawk and suspect with 10# balls blow back will increase. tia al
  9. Atomiks are back ordered till next year, back to looking for a mold. Al
  10. Little over a hour on the web and no molds found, I ordered two of the Atomiks, thanks. Al
  11. Thanks, I seen them and may end up getting a couple of them, I do have about 250# of lead left over from when I smelted bullets and would like to use that though, if a mold is available. al
  12. I am looking for a 12# down rigger weight mold in the torpedo shape, a search here and online has come up empty. Anybody help?? I am running 10# balls now and been reading the Fishhawk unit I just bought will add a lot more blowback and it seems the 12# torpedo shaped weight helps cure that. TIA al
  13. Thanks much, I'll try and get up that way.. al
  14. Not so sure the Edge would handle any evasive or quick maneuvering, plus towing guidelines for many vehicles are a bit optimist imho, they'll tow it, but that's about it. Maybe have somebody tow it up and back for you? Might be worth whatever the going rate for that is, maybe check with your friends? Not sure where you live but maybe someone here can help tow it? Al
  15. btw not keeping any, just want to catch a few if that helps. al
  16. Here, I found it on their web site. http://www.fishhawkelectronics.com/documents/552_FH_X4-X4D_Manual_Alts_LO2.pdf Scroll down a bit and it shows the temp thing. Not sure which would be better, the paddle wheel or GPS, I think I'd lean towards the GPS though, but it wouldn't take into considerations currents at the surface though. May have to keep track of what depths I catch fish at and see how close it is, always variables, but the chart might be a good place to start at. Al
  17. Just picked up the X4+D and with it came a chart of best temps for many fish. Numbers seem right to most of you? Fishing by water temps has been one of my weak points especially since I had no way to read temps at different depths. tia al
  18. Thanks, I see white is a favorite color, would the "White Crush" paddles be what I was probably looking for? tia
  19. Thanks, that gives me at least a starting point, and looks like a fishhawk is in the future. Appears temps are key on the great lakes, to much water to just take a guess. Al
  20. Minn. Anywhere along the west/ north shore of Superior or into the Wisc side sometimes. Al
  21. Is there a maximum water depth to look for or just where you find them? al
  22. Thanks much, can these be run off a rigger with just mono and a fly then? Sorry for stepping on the original post. al
  23. I fish mostly the north shore, Duluth/Superior up to Silver bay and have been looking for larger trout and Kings, been fishing in under 200 fow and probably no deeper than 70-80 foot, reading a bit on this forum and seems maybe I've been fishing to shallow?? This is my third year on superior and it's getting better, but. Not looking for anybody secret spot, but a basic how to on finding larger (15+#) fish would be helpful. Will be fishing out of a Larson FX 2020 this year and have most of the basic tackle, downriggers, planers, etc. TIA al
  24. Thanks, and I thought there was a lot to walleye fishing al
  25. I can see you all are buying your tackle from somewhere else than I go to. I have Marine General here in Minn and not much else, but I'm assuming a riverside fly is just that, a fly and they have them. Thanks. again Al
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