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the junk

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About the junk

  • Birthday 08/04/1978

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  1. Batchawana bay google maps will show it
  2. Its located 20 miles north of sault ste marie/ontario/michigan off highway 17
  3. Same conditions as my last post, went 5 for 7 , this time the vk2 coho special was the winner with a purple/magenta howie fly went 5 times. I love fishing in the rain!Anybody else having luck on cohos?
  4. Finally ,the cohos moved in the bay, went 5 for 8 today.Surface temp 66 degrees>fished 65 and 71 feet down in 85 to 105 feet of water. Decided to try my new flasher purchase VK 2 large flasher uv green with green and copper fly, it went 7 times, the coho special vk went once go figure lol.Didnt bother to try anything else because i was alone today and was pretty busy.Will be buying more vk flashers.
  5. Have been trying for cohos but no luck yet in batchawana bay! Have been catching steelhead and lakers 60 to 80 feet down in 86 to 110 feet of water. Green flasher and fly and rv wonder bread moonshine spoon and anti freeze northren king have been doing well.Nothing on the jointed raps or orange spoons yet.Surface temp 70 degrees thermocline 50 feet down. Going to try out some leadcore set ups next week. Anyone getting any salmon in superior yet?
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