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King Slammin'

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Everything posted by King Slammin'

  1. One of my Coho from New Buffalo on the 4th had ate 11 alewife, about 5" long ea. before taking my offering...
  2. http://www.greatlakesfisherman.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=567&stc=1&d=1404520178 HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!! http://web.mail.comcast.net/service/home/~/?auth=co&loc=en_US&id=138001∂=2
  3. We set up shop in 180 fow and trolled out from there. Steady pickins of fat coho from flat lines, 2 fish, 125 copper, 2 fish. By far, the best rigs were the wire divers, f/f combo's going 4/7 including big fish of the day, an 11lb. laker that was released after pic's. These were best @ 139 and 159' out set on 1.5 and no ring. We stayed between 180 and 230 fow. Just an awesome day on the water with my son for the first time since losing his mother [and my wife for 30 years] back in March. So thankful to see him smile again. I'll get the pic's loaded soon. Dave
  4. Paul, I'm probably going to skip the early rush and head offshore about 8-9 o'clock from New Buffalo. 68 also. Good Luck.
  5. Kind of bumpy now but looks great for the weekend. I was out of New Buffalo the first weekend in May and caught a mixed bag both days, nothing huge. Body baits Friday and spoons Sunday worked for me. Spent most of the time running near the pack and everyone was catching. If the weather holds out, I'll be heading offshore mid-morning Sunday after the morning flurry.
  6. 2 for 2 today on a quick solo trip. Love those angry spring kings!
  7. Went 10 for 12 for our 2 man limit @ the Ditch on Sunday. Buffalo Bill spoon took 4. Largest was 3lbs.11ounces. Beautiful day on the water.


  8. Don't forget, the only way this works is if someone is taking video...
  9. I've seen harbors fill with wind blown ice overnight:eek: Watch the wind direction!
  10. I'm going to try one this spring for the first time. Yes it's already thinning the wallet with all the preparation and new gear for this season. But I am certainly not in it for the prize money, I'm just hoping to improve my skills, learn some new tactics and meet some new friends along the way. I fish from a small boat and don't have alot of $$ to spend on all the latest and greatest fish catching equipment. And I would tend to agree with Dave also about the costs for am's and lower divisions. That being said, If I were to win my division, the higher entry fees make for a better payday and might get me to the next tourney, who knows...
  11. Half the fun is creating your own combinations that work for "you" and "your" trolling style and speeds and then matching those combo's with the conditions that produce the best. Fly, lure, spoon painting, etc...,building is fairly cheap and highly rewarding especially when one of those creations puts one on the wall!
  12. The Modis Imagery for 2/21 sure looks better than Wed.pic. 2/19 Southern Lake Michigan....
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