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Everything posted by Anglersthree

  1. Thanks Nailer. I hope people find this informative as we certainly learned a lot while shoot it..
  2. We recently completed the following documentary of the Ringwood Fish Culture Station processes after following the efforts of volunteer group from the Metro East Anglers for the past year. This video, now being shown at the Sportsman Show in Toronto, shows the full process from egg collection to releasing reared salmon and trout back into the tributaries of Lake Ontario. This should be of interest to all outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy the great Lake Ontario fishery we have today. Hope you enjoy! 8x810mszCfU
  3. Thanks for the feedback Priority1!
  4. This video is Part 2 of our Bay of Quinte walleye trip. Here you'll see numerous fish being caught including one just under 12 pounds as well as a huge 15.5 pound trophy (at the 7:53 mark of the video). It was an unusually mild December day with a bit of rain in the afternoon and a consistent 'walleye chop' all day. A good bite throughout with all of the popular stick baits producing well. Most fish released with a couple of the smaller ones taken for the table. Hope you enjoy! 4RxIhLj4t8E
  5. Always enjoys your videos JB, nicely done! Any ice there yet?
  6. We recently spent a few days fishing on the Bay of Quinte for large walleye. This is a brief video showing some of the walleye we caught during one of the outings. While in the Bay we fished with Aaron from Canadian Trophy Fishing Adventures and Mike from Salmon Fishing Charters. Both are very competent, knowledgeable and friendly charter captains. We're looking forward to the ice season and will definitely be paying the Bay of Quinte a visit when it freezes. Part 2 of this walleye video contains footage of a 12 and 15.5 pound walleye. To be posted next ... Hope you enjoy! gcEThPLUFrQ
  7. Thank you Nailer. This working for a living is cutting into my fishing time. Something is going to have to give. Thanks again William
  8. Hi everyone, The following is our latest downrigger footage of salmon and trout strikes. Most footage was taken between 60 and 100 feet down over 200 to 320 feet of water. A bit of a challenge for the small sensor camera but the final footage cleaned up reasonable well. Hope you enjoy!
  9. Thanks SPOONWASHER. We're off to Algonquin to do some wilderness fishing for a few days but when we get back I'll put a video together showing the setups we tried. The baits were run about 3 feet behind the cameras at 100 feet down. Any further back and they disappeared into the green ..
  10. Thats a good point, MAINIAC. When we say this we shortened the lead from the SD to the fly to about 14-16 inches. Much more motion and much more productive.
  11. Thanks for the comments everyone! Should have some more footage soon.
  12. Hi everyone, The following is a sample of downrigger footage we have taken during this salmon season on Lake Ontario. Most of the footage was shot down 80 to 110 feet which challenges the smaller sensor camera but we're happy with some of the results. Hope you enjoy! Alan TatKKww9oDo
  13. Thanks for the comments and for subscribing, SPOONWASHER!! For the various fishing videos we are using some combination of Canon XF300, 2 Canon XF100's, Canon 7D and 8 GoPro's. We're still working on the best mounting arrangement, however for the cannonball cams (GoPro's). We did another trial run last night but haven't reviewed the footage yet. As soon as we work this out we'll post here. Thanks again for watching!
  14. LOL Hi Phisy, no, we don't have realtime viewing with the current camera setup - simply 'set it and forget it'. We do exactly the same thing as you are describing with constantly turning and moving balls up and down slightly when marking a follower on the Lowrance. It has worked out quite well for us. We also just keep track of initial ball speed and if strikes were on the inside or outside of a turn and adjust speeds accordingly. Real time would be nice but there has to be some anticipation ...
  15. We'll be posting our view from the cannonball video shortly and it shows a number of fish that don't fully commit to the bait as well as the takers. What is amazing is how many fish appear behind the baits and just follow at a distance from the moment the balls reach depth to the moment the balls are raised. Thanks again for watching and commenting!
  16. Hi everyone, The following is a sampling of the fish we caught during week one of the Great Ontario Salmon Derby including one Chinook just over 25 pounds. We have also been experimenting with a cannonball camera setup to add to the angles we already have and have included a few rough sequences in this video. The next video to be posted will be just a compilation of the best from those cameras - some cool footage and it's interesting watching the salmon and trout behaviours just prior to the strike. For those interested, most of our fish during the week came from the balls set at 80, 90 and 100 feet in 100 to 315 FOW and the wire dipseys on the 3 setting back 250'. Predominantly a flasher/fly bite with greens being the most productive and a number taken on spoons, also glow green with dark spots. Hope you enjoy,
  17. The following video is a brief excerpt from our latest adventure on Lake Ontario. This trip was focused on targeting rainbows. Hope you enjoy! NwyzyOWZTGs
  18. Thanks for the comments and the welcome everyone! Nailer, we were running 2 Canon HD cameras and 8 wireless GoPro's. A bit of a handful to operate and fish sometimes (and a bit of a challenge to edit) but worth it in the end, we think.
  19. We finally have a boat running on Lake Ontario again and decided to take a break from kayak fishing to chase some salmon and rainbows. The following is Part 1 of our series on Lake Ontario fishing. Hope you enjoy. a7FFV_y8XmM
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