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Mrs. Sixshooter

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About Mrs. Sixshooter

  • Birthday 03/22/1980

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  • Location
    Wayland, MI

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  1. Pack a picnic, bring some wine.....and don't tell her about the fishing poles...hehe
  2. AND A KNOW IT ALL WIFE Did you have a question Jim?
  3. For further trips with your girlfriend.....there is nothing better than fishing at night. Watch the sunset....smoke a bunch of fish....then seeing the moon cascading over the lake.
  4. We have Kitty Meow....my niece named her because that is what she could say at the time.
  5. What kind of pet do you have? What's the name? And how did you get the name?
  6. Here's a few articles I've found regarding this topic..... http://www.cfb.ie/fishing_in_ireland/CatchandRelease.htm and a question answered from Michigan DNR http://midnr.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/MiDNR.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_sid=jDDHvB5i&p_lva=&p_faqid=1321&p_created=1026780064&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9ncmlkc29ydD0mcF9yb3dfY250PTMmcF9zZWFyY2hfdGV4dD1jYXRjaCBhbmQgcmVsZWFzZSZwX3Byb2RfbHZsMT0yJnBfcHJvZF9sdmwyPX5hbnl_JnBfcGFnZT0x&p_li=
  7. We have tried it, but it's very hard to keep track of it (especially with the 2 boats, etc.) I've even made a laminated page to tally the fish on the boat.
  8. Now how can I be setting lines, driving the boat, and be a trousertrouttracker at the same time?
  9. For all those soaring gas prices, check out the cheapest/most expensive in your area http://www.grandrapidsgasprices.com/
  10. Boy, I think Jim wouldn't have minded getting married on the water. I thought getting a pic on the boat launch on our wedding day was good enough!
  11. We have 2 boats, and between towing and trolling, it's at least $90-$100 per trip per boat.....
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