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About trail11591

  • Birthday 11/05/1991

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  • Location
    Eau Claire, Mi

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  1. I know me and a few fishin buddies would go no need for a table tho
  2. Reel happy will be there again!
  3. Got a late start Saturday ran a bit north of the pier to 50 fow and started setting lines while clipping the board on a 5 color it got smacked and a very lively 15.2 lb king had a fire drill going with all the gear still laying around stayed on a nw troll till 70 with nothing turned se and started finding lakers... At first we were bouncing bottom trying to get 4 more fish to weigh then we pulled everything up higher looking for silver fish and the lakers kept hitting. Decided to run out to 140 for our last 2 fish and found 1 small coho... Ended the day 14-21 with a bunch of lakers and a 2nd place spot along with big fish... Great ran event had tons fun thanks!
  4. I'm with Dan I should post more
  5. Count reel happy in!
  6. Can you pm me you number a friend is interested thanks
  7. Is this still available pm sent in case
  8. we store all our stuff in my dads barn outside with the drags backed off we put up some pipe across the top of the rails for the garage door and will place the rods up there out of the way
  9. Thanks for the report on fish and ice!
  10. Nice job! How was the ice still a bunch up here out of st.joe
  11. Add another vote for the blacks I can tighten it down to keep the rod loaded up with big paddles and meat Riggs or loosen it up if its a clean spoon
  12. We ended up going out of south haven Saturday the bite was on fire till the sun came up we only ended 2 for 8 but broke off 3 big fish and another straightened a swivel no problem lost a lot of gear but had a good time
  13. Man the south end of the state has been pretty tight lipped for the last.month or so. We got out this weekend ended 4 for 9 with a nice 20 pounder all hits but 1 came on wire mag dipsys set on 1.5 out 150 and200 with green meat the oother hit a purple pro king on a slider. We headed way another almost to sh best water was about 110 to 115 all on a north troll. I was hoping to hear of some fishing this week can't make up my mind if I should go to st. Joe or south haven in the morning.
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