Personally, it doesn't matter to me what we do, however I feel that the variable point structure has created some interesting tactical decisions that actually add strategy and excitement to the tournament. I don't think a brown was weighed in at all last year, but in previous years when the spring was later, they played a role and it was fun to decide whether to try to catch 2-5 lb browns or 12-15 lb kings. Later in the summer you can decide to try to catch 5-10 lb steelies or 10-15 lb kings. And it makes sense to me that a 20 lb king, 15 lb steelie and 10 lb brown should all roughly equal each other in points. And I tend to agree with lakers only being worth 5 points to discourage guys from targeting them as they are typically easier to catch. However, as we all know, one 3 lb laker can make a big difference at times. As for fish count, it would be nice to weigh in more fish but I agree with keeping the number down so two guys can fish and so teams don't get blown out after one tournament. Weighing six is fine with me because we can still catch 15. My only recommendation would be to make changes to the port championship to increase participation and the pot size. I would like to see us go to a point system for places instead of cumulative pounds as a team was at a huge disadvantage if they didn't fish the big weight tourneys in May and August. Three 10 point victories when the fishing is bad should mean more than one 40 victory when it's good. And the number of boats in any given tournament should matter as well. If you have 15 boats in a tourney, give 15 points to the winner, 14 to second place, etc. The next tourney with 12 boats, give 12 points to the winner, 11 to second, etc. Add up the points as you go along. Keep the idea of dropping two out of seven tourneys for guys who can't fish them all. Whoever has the most points at the end of the season wins. Thanks for running an enjoyable tournament these past few years guys. Mike