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King Salmon 1

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Everything posted by King Salmon 1

  1. Set lines this morning in 100 fow straight out of GH 5:30/11:30. 3 rods in and lost first 2 fish within 10 minutes !! We ended up 8 for 12, 1 Coho, 2 Kings, & 5 Steelhead. Took our fish on the folllowing. 1 Steelhead on rigger down 30ft - 11" paddle & green glow fly 1 Steelhead,1 King, 1 Coho on rigger down 35, & 65ft - all on Flounder Pounder 2 Steelhead on 150 copper - Moonshine RV Blue Flounder 1 Steelhead on 300 copper - Blue spin doctor & blue glow fly 1 King on 450 copper - Stinger UV Blue DolphinN Landed first 4 fish by 6:30 in 80 to 100 fow. Headed North/West to 150/180 off smoke stack & picked up 4 more. Best troll was North or NW, speed 2.8 / 3.3. 2 great days of fishing - son in law was able to land a mixed bag of 18 fish, He is headed to Ohio smiling, tired, & with some nice fillets - fun times !!
  2. Started in 90 fow today straight out of GH 5:30/10 am. Had a great day on the lake with my son in law. We ended up 10 for 11, 6 Kings & 4 Steelhead. 5 fish caught in 85/100 fow & 5 caught in 150/170 fow. Took fish on the following. 2 Steelhead on 225 copper - Lemon Ice spoon 1 King on rigger 80 down - 11" white paddle white glow UV fly 3 Kings on rigger 75 down - Moonshine UV Flounder Pounder 2 Kings, 2 Steelhead on 300 copper - Moonshine UV Bloody Nose Had 1 hit on rigger 100 down, nothing on dipsy rods. Marked some nice bait pods today, and 9 of 10 fish had Alewives in them. Had a couple of doubles and one triple - fun times.
  3. Great job, Fish Hawk TDR does work great !
  4. Great job Dave, thanks for the info.
  5. Thanks for the info on Salmon Sharks=900 lbs. & fast. 1977 Starcraft Super Sport= 675 pounds I'm in trouble.
  6. Started today in 120 fow off North Shore Beach GH 6-10:30. Ended up 7 for 11, 4 Steelhead and 3 Kings. We caught fish from 100 to 150 fow. Took fish on the following. 3 Steelhead on 300 copper - Pink Panties spoon. 1 Steelhead on 225 copper - Lemon Ice spoon. 1 King on 450 copper - Bloody nose Monshine RV spoon. 2 Kings on rigger down 75 - Kevorkian spoon. Also had hits on rigger down 100 with 11" white paddle & fly. Nothing on 150 copper today, no dipsy's. Steelhead were 7-10 lbs. Kings were 4,10, & 17 lbs. Good morning on the lake, took a bit to get 6 rods in the water.
  7. Nice trips, thanks for the info.
  8. Great catch, thanks for the info.
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