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About todd.v

  • Birthday 01/13/1967

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  1. I went out the sat of memorial for a shakedown the flies were awful. dragged lures for an hour and a half then called it. 2 fish on skunk in the boat along with a million midges.
  2. 5 for 6 am fish,3 kings biggest 17lbs,2 lakers. big king hit half core with standard yellowtail ss. king dipsey on 1 160 back blue spdr blue fly. king dipsey on 1 140 back blue protroll blue fly. laker on a mj mag swr rig ball at 50. laker on a mag blue line rigger ball 45. lost a pig on the protroll setup due to broken fly leader:mad:
  3. sorry for the late report. fished 100ft to 215 ft of water went 2 for 8 wth a few 30 second fish on fish offs I refuse to count. 1 10 lb and 1 15lb king both on mag superscrew 1/2 core with 4 ounce snap and 50 ft. lost fish on wallmart , blue dolphin,panty ho, and blue protroll 8 with uv ghost fly on adipsey. riggers took hits at 130,100 and 90 down. sliders also took hits ( fish flesh confirmation). the only thing that did not fire was a dipsey with a green dolphin. The cotton on the water was horrid. Other than that an o.k. first salmon outing. Tight lines Todd
  4. I pretty much use only silver streak. I have had great luck with them. all the old standbys catch fish. this years blue line has stood out for me along with cherry surprise, panty ho and flamin chicken. I have been runnin mags low and standards high. Good luck Todd
  5. sat morn fish was hook up unfreindly going 5 for like 12. threw the #5 fish back in too small. ended up with 2 kings and 2 steelhead all on spoons except for one steel on a dipsey spinnie fly. halfcores and riggers and sliders were fireing just could not keep them buttoned up. Sunday was better going 12 for sixteen tossing 2 back to grow up. 2 kings 6 steel and 2 lakers for the limit of 2 guys. That was my first limit at cheboygan so pretty happy. the riggers were hot with sliders a close second. hadd a few on the cores and a couple on snap weights. dipsey was dead. all silver streak spoons.
  6. slickwater, Every weekend, good for you, I wish I could hit it that hard. I have had great days and not so great days as I am still on the learning curve of the area. How do you do in the straights?
  7. PD, the only fish cleaning station I know of is at the cheboygan launch. They also have a freezer there for head collection. I don't know where you are looking to fish mostly as far as area and boat traffic but cheboygan you don't have to deal with ferry traffic. I do fish out of mac sometimes. to me the distances are flip a coin.
  8. 1 for 3 sat morning fishing north of cheboygan. steelie on a halfcore with a ss reg blue dolphin. lost a good one after 10 minutes off a rigger 40 down blue dolphin and had one quick on quick off same rigger and that was it. a little frustrating but there is allways next time. fished for about 4 hrs.
  9. nice job on the lake huron fish!
  10. Nice job!:thumb:Cheap way to get to the top of the favorite teacher list:lol: Just kidding. Give me a buzz when you get time I am thinking on going next week.
  11. nicely done thanks for the report. very informative
  12. Is any one out yet or just some tight lipped be quiet fishing going on? I am thinking on hitting rogers in 2 weeks. If you get out please post and good luck.
  13. man ,I need to get back out there. very nice!
  14. thanks for the report, nice job.
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