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Everything posted by littleboat

  1. Went out in the late afternoon fished until dark. Water was cold at 45'. You would think with the temperature band for kings within 30' of the top I could at least save gas money and catch fish. We noticed right away nothing was marking. So we headed out trolling the DR ad a couple shallow dipsys and a 4 color....nothing. Trolled out to 102' nothing. Headed south a short ways and got a 8.35lb king on a dipsy with mtn due SD with a BW Pickle Kisser fly. But what was amazing the current would move the boat almost up to 4 knots going south with my engine on the lowest speed setting. I think I could have just shut it off and it would have taken me to Michigan City. My dipsys were completely thrown to the same side of the boat almost. The main point nothing was biting in these conditions, except the one I got just prior. We headed out deeper and had another bite on my SD and Pickle kisser, but this time it hit so hard it took them with it. Good bye $20 at least. Ouch! The waves were 2-3 foot and didn't lay down until about 8pm. Nothing else was hit 250 copper w/green flounder pounder, 1 dipsy with orange crush, 10 color lemon berry, DR w/happy meal and mongolian slider, 200 copper w/blue splatter back plug. I changed everything several times with the same results. I cover the entire water column and speed variations. We headed back in to port and my drive got stuck in the somewhat up position with just the prop below the water surface. Also the sheriff waved to me in the channel that my starboard light was out. All in all it was nice to be on the lake after 2 days of sitting in port. But the wife said it was great shopping. LB
  2. What is a Black Mamba/UV Blue Ice? I get the blue ice, but I haven't seen a Black Mamba flasher?
  3. I hate it when they spit the hooks out at the boat. Congrats on the catch.
  4. Your are right it was a steelhead. My error. Thanks
  5. Fished this morning 7:30 to 10:30am. 2 for 5. 3 hook ups (one we give back too small of a king) and one loss right on the transom bringing him in. A real heart breaker. A very large coho. 1st one (coho 9#)on south troll out of Holland @7:40am with j-plug blue splatterback@60ft in 142ft speed 2.4mph gps, on 200 copper. The two hook jumpers then the next one(small king 3.7#) in the boat at 9:05am on a 250 copper with a green flounder pounder, SE troll in 150 ft. 2.4mph gps. The large coho loss at the transom was on a DR @ 165ft in 187ft with a blue dolphin. The weather was beautiful and waves were <1ft.
  6. What is a Skams? I'm not familiar with that term.
  7. Lost 2 this morning, 1 shook the hook and the other was a real heart breaker when we couldn't get the salmon around all the other fishing rods and riggers. Went south Holland to Saugatuck 2.3 mph lost a fish with my lemonberry in 108' on 10 color. Other hook was with spotted bloody nose on a 8 color. No hits on riggers using meat, flys or spoons. Back in a couple weeks. LB
  8. I didn't hand line it. I went back and scooped up the board in the net. Threaded it back thru the reel an cranked it back slowly because after I saw the board floating I figured the line must be laying on the bottom with a very angry fish who was just tired as heck! LB
  9. Trolled south in 105' toward Saugatuck picked up a 3.5 lb coho on a FC with a lemon berry. Made a turn around coming back up from Saugatuck and about 3 miles from Holland picked up a 37" king salmon 19lbs on a monkey puke spoon in 110' with a 8 color core. It took my 8 color lead core, board, spoon and the line off my reel. We had to pull our lines in and go back a 1/4 mile to pick up the board and fish that was still hooked to the line. It was GREAT! Picture is in the public album. LB
  10. This AM, between Holland and Saugatuck. 1 king at 50' with a lemonberry in 110' on a full leadcore. 1 bite on a 8 color LC with a monkey puke, but shook it off, in 80'. Part of my meat rig eaten in 110', but no tip left, must have been a drive thru. Hot and lots fleas. LB
  11. Congrats on the catch. What was the settings on your dipsys?
  12. I know the feeling. I will be out tomorrow evening and let you know how it goes. LB
  13. I'm planning on a trip to HS during July-August. How is the fishing out of there? I have a 27' boat.
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