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Everything posted by grumman184

  1. Its a marinco 250v 50amp white 25ft shore power cord. Must fill the gas tank for that price of 400 lol
  2. I wanna say I seen one on craigslist in the past week in grand rapids area guy wanted like 400. Not sure if that's what your looking for
  3. Well I mostly post after beer. I normally close one eye and try to post! Hahahaha! !!
  4. Yes sir looks great ever need a spoon changer let me know.
  5. 18 ft Grumman deep v here was in 200+ this year. And I've been caught in 4 to 6 footers in 90 feet and crapped my pants. But in reality ur boat can handle more then you.
  6. Yea that water is to cold for iffy conditions
  7. I don't do Facebook crap. But this is like fishbook! I'm on here like 5 times a day.
  8. Speckled trout are great pan fry and sprinkle a little parmesan cheese on. That stuff will make ur tounge slap ur eyeballs out!
  9. Remember its called fishing not catching. Maybe next time
  10. From port Sheldon how many miles offshore is it to 200 ft and 250 ft of water? I fished 200ft of water last weekend but don't have GPS. Just wondering if i should look at the offshore marine report when fishing that far out. Thanks.
  11. What do I have to do to fish in the wmfl?
  12. Well I can't figure out ho w to get my photos to the post on my phone but they are in the gallery.
  13. Mike what is your email address?
  14. Mike can I email them to you and have you load them?
  15. Is that a water melon?
  16. R u retired ??
  17. 11 for 11. 1 king 8 lbs and 10 cohos fished 9 to 12 . 100 down in 180ish. Sw troll. 1 on 7 color, 9 on same rigger 100 down, and one on flasher fly at 80 my phone won't let me upload pics. Any ideas?
  18. Hey Jim sweet boat I actually was doing lawn estimates and saw a boat so I look once. Then I look twice and boom. The glf emblem bam. But ur boat looks shweet
  19. Yea my boat is only 18 ft and aluminum so its pretty lite shouldn't take alot to slow the 90 down enough.
  20. Thanks everyone! I think I'm gonna use buckets for now and spend the money on tackle and beer. Just figured I need something to slow down. Besides when I'm done I can put my beer cans in the bucket
  21. Has anyone used a happy troller? My boat with a 90horse will troll down to only 3 to3.2 . Was wondering if they work good and how much they will slow u down? Thanks
  22. Ben I just had him go through the riggers I bought from nailer and that was about a week ago I picked them up. So yes he is still there. His business is for sale too.
  23. Does anyone ever do any good for browns or coho out of PS in early spring? I know go south for cohos but my fishing buddies cottage is in PS and would much rather fish there for the huge convenience factor. Thanks for any help.
  24. Well I bought 10 ft dipsy rods and okuma magdma pro reels. And I will only have lead core on boards
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