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Everything posted by grumman184

  1. The gopro hero 2 are nice. Waterproof and film HD. YouTube search gopro camera. I'm wanting to get one myself.
  2. How do you fish your jp slammer? Backwards? The only lure on the boat that hasn't caught anything! Any tips?
  3. Awesome man we had a great time on our trip!thanks again!
  4. Grab a throwable ass pad and plop down on top of a yeti cooler. If i was cashing out on a new boat that's what I'd want.
  5. Awsomd videos keep them coming!
  6. Run ur wire on a dipsy and copper is fished like lead core let out to your backing and attach planer board. No line counter needed just label what length and lb copper it is and ur set.
  7. Thanks guys we just got them so I'm sure will get them figured out.
  8. No were not. I think that's probably the answer. Thanks alot if that doesn't work then they will be floating around out there with free written on them!
  9. OK were using the big church boards tx44 I think that's Wut they are. Anyway we use them for long copper and when we get a fish on down dives the board and then poof fish comes off due to slack in line from fighting the board. Do other people have this issue? Any secrets to not let this happen? We lost 2 or 3 fish this weekend from it. We did manage 9 for 10 Friday night out of PS and 3 for 6 Saturday from 12 to 2. Blue Bennie spoon been hot! And a blue sparkle on 400 copper. Thanks for any advice.
  10. My buddy found new x4 system online for 579 with free shipping
  11. Do you mean may and not march?
  12. Must be a bad ass motor for 7500. Lol
  13. I know this isn't fish related but what's the mushroom count I have found about 250 ill send pics to mike to post, cus my phone won't let me. Anyone else hunt morrels?
  14. Well looks like I got a big lake boat! Slick craft ss 235 with a 302 mercruiser drive. Needs a good cleaning and buff and ill be laughing at 3 footers and not heading home any more
  15. Yes I am going to look at it tonight so if I don't buy it I will post information about it
  16. I also saw the chopper flying at port Sheldon Saturday afternoon. Never heard anything on radio
  17. My cheap radio and antenna are great. I can pick up from PS to Whitehall and south haven. I think its a cobra with a Shakespeare antenna. About 100 bucks but works great
  18. I will be in PS Saturday evening and Sunday morning if i find a pattern that works ill let you know. I'm running to braid dipsys riggers with sliders and copper. Will just have to see what fires
  19. Yea no way am I putting on 600 yds of braid I'm running blood run backer for copper not braid. That would cost way to much for backer
  20. OK a couple questions on copper setups. I have a magdma pro 30 and a convector 45 that I'm gonna put copper on were using 30 lb blood run backer what is the most copper I can fit on each reel? We have 32lb and 45lb. My buddy also has 4 convector 55's how much can we fit on those. Thanks for any help I wanna get most copper as possible on but don't wanna make it a guessing game. Will be fishing port Sheldon Saturday and Sunday.
  21. If u already have roller rods then why not just use wire? Only one way to really learn is to do it! Jmo
  22. Well offshore is saying 4 to 7 ft so could be flat or 10 footers
  23. I use an albright knot to tie copper to backer and leader right?
  24. Wondering if anyone uses this. I'm setting up 5 or 6 copper rigs and this stuff is 44 dollars for 2000 yards compared to 107 for 1500 yards of power pro. Blood run claims best backer for copper, just wanted to see if anyone has used this.
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