Looking for some input on a couple of things for my 75 slickcraft 194ss. It has a ford 302 in it (merc 888) and I want to change it over to electronic ignition, I have been looking at kits, and wonder if it is worth the money to get a complete kit with coil,rotor, cap, and wires (~420.00) or just change over the points to electronic, and update the coil/wires as they need it anyway, prices I've looked at are around 280 for that. any specific kind you like? or just any marine grade? second thing is my alternator doesn't seem to keep up eith my new electric riggers along with lights/radio/stereo/sonar running all the time, is there a place I can get mine rebuilt? at the end of the year it didn't seen to want to charge anything over 12.5 volts either, could there be something else wrong? I am running dual marine batteries on a perko switch, thanks for any suggestinos