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Veni Vidi Fishi

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About Veni Vidi Fishi

  • Birthday 02/02/1947

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  • Biography
    Charter Captain
  • Location
    Holland, MI
  • Occupation
    Charter Captain

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  1. Fish were so thick that the fish finder thought it was seeing bottom at 28.6. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  2. The big school of cohos seems to be moving north through the Holland area at about 8 miles per day, at least for us. Got 16 coho, one king and a steelhead in 185 FOW south of Saugatuck on Thursday. Top 125 feet, orange spoons on all lines except for a flasher/fly on the chute. Sliders on all three riggers took a lot of the fish. Found them Friday in front of Holland in 230 FOW, same program, took eight coho and three kings. Saturday we found them a little north of Holland in 265 FOW, caught eight coho and one large lake trout in about two hours with just six rods. Same program as before. Same orange and copper standard and small size spoons all three days. Didn’t fish Sunday but my buddy caught twelve in 265 FOW in front of Port Sheldon, same program as us. Hopefully we’ll get the tail end of the main school and some stragglers for another week or so, who knows? Great to see that they’re still out there in good numbers, hopefully the kings will show up soon! Photo was taken Saturday in265 FOW. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  3. Very nice post with helpful info, congrats on a great day! Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  4. Glad to hear it, hope they work out for you. Sent from my SM-G900V using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  5. They're sold. Thanks though.
  6. Send me an email at griff84@sbcglobal.net for my PayPal info. Sent from my SM-G900V using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  7. Yes, can do Paypal. UPS Ground is $11.00
  8. (2) Okuma MA30DXTLine Counter Reels Two used MAD30DXT reels, good shape except for spindle cap missing on one. $25 for both plus shipping.
  9. Why are the DNR trying to pull the wool over your eyes? How do they further their agenda of improving fishing in Michigan by telling you we have problems? How would they sell more licenses by downgrading the fishing falsely? Just wondering... Sent from my SM-G900V using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  10. Hey, they're all at my house! Sent from my SM-G900V using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  11. Nice job on the browns! FYI, FBD (always wanted to say that), the coho are still there, but out deep, 250+ FOW, but willing to attack any magnum spoon you care to throw at them, as long as it's blue. From 100' of copper to 130' down the chute, everything goes. Have fun out there! -Captain Jeff
  12. Lots of steelhead and immature salmon have moved into the Holland area. 120 - 160 FOW, top 35 feet has been best. Super Slims (Buffalo Bill, UV Mixed Veggy, NBK) on short coppers, meat on low divers set at 65 doing well. Yesterday morning our clients took five kings up to fourteen pounds, five steelhead to twelve pounds, and one lake trout. Still time to book a charter for fun fall fishing! venividifishi.com
  13. Does the pickled asparagus come with it? Kidding aside, analog units like this have terrific sensitivity. My 1987 Furuno is still functioning well, and can pick up very small targets. Don't be afraid of the age on this one.
  14. Glad to see a few kings showing up. Nice job!
  15. Nice catch Tung. I'll be out Saturday.
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