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reel business

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Everything posted by reel business

  1. Nice job and thanks for the report...excited to Fish out of Holland this weekend! Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  2. Good to know...I may hit you for a more detailed report if I can Fish out of Holland this weekend Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  3. Ok...thanks for come back. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  4. Has the fishing been on the slow side in Holland? Have you heard of kings showing up around Holland yet? Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  5. Thanks for the report! Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  6. Well done...thanks for the report and fighting through technical issues. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  7. We had just the opposite...tried to catch some Lakers too but could only get Kings to bite...good problem to have. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  8. Got a late start last night waiting for storms to pass...fished 6-8:30pm...south of South Haven in 90-100 ft...went 5-5 on Kings...the biggest was 18#...belly full of alewives Landed 2 on Magnum Moonshine Flounder Pounder spoons off rigger and 4-color, and 2 on green colored Stinger spoons on rigger...4 Fish came shallow in top 30 ft...1 came deep around 65ft down on a wire Diver with a green/yellow Flasher and yellow SpinGlo. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  9. Sorry for the late post, but I’ve been having trouble logging into the GLF site. I fished out of New Buffalo last Saturday...got a late start (8am) but ended up 3-5 on Kings...9#, 11#, 14#...Moonshine Flounder Pounder Mag took 2 Kings off 100 and 75 copper...the other hits came on a Stinger Monkey Puke and Red Brad’s Thin Fish...we also landed a few small cohos we threw back...good to see Kings in this size... caught a few small cohos we threw back.. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
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  10. Sent you a private message.
  11. Item SOLD. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  12. I’m near Grand Rapids Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  13. Barely Used. Excellent Condition $325.00 Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman Mobile App
  14. Reel Business is in. Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman
  15. Reel Business is in...thanks Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman mobile app
  16. 9# Steelie my buddy landed last Sunday out of P.S. It put on quite an air show. Couldn't wipe the grin off his face Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman mobile app
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  17. Well done...great King Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman mobile app
  18. Thanks for the report...good to hear a decdnt report from friends up north...Manistique is a port I would like to fish some time Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman mobile app
  19. Nice job Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman mobile app
  20. 5 for 8 in 90-100 fow 10# & 8# King on 4c...monkey puke stinger 9# &8# Steelie on brads thin fish off board 4# Laker on brads thin fish Lost a laker and two decent kings Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman mobile app
  21. Well done...thanks for the report Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman mobile app
  22. Thanks for the report Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman mobile app
  23. Short trip...set lines at 7:30pm...fished til 10pm 3 for 3...all around 3# 1 Steelhead...100 cu Stinger jäger bomb 1 Coho...rigger down 40ft...Flounder Pounder 1 Coho...rigger down 50 ft...Stinger Monkey Puke Fished between 130-140 fow...2.1-2.6 sog Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman mobile app
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  24. Thanks for the report! Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman mobile app
  25. Not a bad start...thanks for the report! Sent from my iPhone using Great Lakes Fisherman mobile app
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