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About ericjeeper

  • Birthday 09/21/1965

Personal Information

  • Real Name
  • Biography
    47yrs, married, 3 kids..Window salesman
  • Location
    Martinsville, Indiana
  • Interests
    Striper/hybrid, now salmon addiction
  • Occupation
    I sell and install high quality replacement windows and doors.

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  1. I use a hand held diamond steel.. It will flat out lay a razor sharp edge. I have a store where I sell windows and doors. To pass the time on slow days I sharpen knives. I charge 3 bucks a pop. Some that come in are really doinked. I will hit them on my wet grinder to get em refined. Then work the edge on a few different sets of diamond steels.
  2. Pool noodles, with Tee pins to attach each end of the leader.
  3. I too read of Daves travels in July. It really got my attention. I ordered a new hand held PLB. I got one that floats, around $275, and new handheld vhf. Might want to add that our life jackets no longer live down under the beds in the cuddy while we are away from the dock. I honestly feel that Dave has told will save many lives.
  4. The wire coming out of the GPS is already there. You will need I think an 1/8" type plug for the back of the vhf.
  5. I wish them the best of luck in their newest venture.
  6. My year started off rough fishing for Hybrid striped bass.. Lost remote control for I pilot. snagged bottom with umbrella rig, lost it and rod and reel..as rod holder was not tight enough. 3 u rigs 1 galvanized anchor and 200 feet of rope.. did not get it tied to the boat soon enough, pulled it out of my hand... grrrrrr.rookie mistake several spoons due to a spool of crap cabelas fluorocarbon line. this year I set a new record and lost zero cannon balls.
  7. is the top 1/2 inch covered in snag proof carpet?
  8. I am already looking to learn more this winter. I learned a great deal at the one I attended at Michigan City show. Dave Mull and Dan Keating were the speakers. Captain Jeff Eck of the Rodfather boat spoke a bit too.
  9. I own a few J Plugs and have caught a few fish on them. Are they something that a fellow should run a few of this time of year?Or should he run a full battlefield of J plugs behind the boat this time of year for kings?
  10. Glad to hear you all got out, and got on fish.. Kudos to the first captain for getting you lined up on another boat.
  11. That is why I am a firm believer in Tow Insurance.. I do not wish to have to bother any other fishermen to come tow me in.
  12. What is your tow vehicle capable of towing? How large of boat are you wanting? Cuddy? open bow?
  13. 1.8 mph will just about guarantee you a greaser. I usually run 2.5-3.1 MPH
  14. Not hardly what I would call a "cruise" ,just a two hour boat ride..
  15. Can not read the article. says only available to paid subscribers
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