It's not the satellites that are used, it's the FREQUENCIES and power used. Currently, GPS signals are relatively weak-about 10% of peak power allowed. Lightsquared wants to use about 40-50% peak power. Their frequency bands are right next to the GPS bands. Think of it like this: you are listening to a radio station at 100.1 on the FM dial that puts out 75,000 watts of power and you are about 50 miles away. There is another station at 100.3 putting out 150,000 watts and is only 10 miles away. You are probably going to get bleed over onto the station you are listening to. Especially, the closer you get to the higher power station. That is what might happen with GPS and this broadband internet signal. Lightsquared will need to have far more power to transmit as they do not wish to erect 1000's of additional towers to repeat the signal. I know this is all in the OP link but I think the real problem is that certain groups-the US Air Force in particular-are being muzzled by the current administration. Literally every public statement given by one of the armed forces is vetted for political correctness-based on the views of the current occupant of the white house. And by current, I mean whoever happens to be there at the times the comments are released. Every single GPS user will be affected at some point or another. GPS is established technology for 20 years but the government doesn't care. They want the money generated from selling these unused frequencies.