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Everything posted by 2johnsons

  1. Thats a little vague for me. Like what ? Were spare props from a 46 sea ray I used to have.,
  2. Fixed Rod Holders $25 for both
  3. Large Boat Props for sale Excellent shape. Digitized etc 3k
  4. Pair of stainless steel rod trees 300 for the pair
  5. Went 1 for one, medium king. 50 FOW 35 down, mixed veggie. slow day
      • 2
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  6. do you still have some ?
  7. I am interested if you still have them.
  8. Are these still available ?
  9. Thanks to all for your help and input...
  10. What is a Big Papa ? What are trolling valves ?
  11. Trolling with Diesel Engines Any boats on the Great Lakes Salmon fishing with Diesel motors ?
  12. Diesel Engine Salmon Trolling Is anyone fishing the Great Lakes for Salmon with Diesel engines on thier boat. Is there a problem with getting them to go slow enough ? Any suggestions ?
  13. Went 3 for 7...one triple header. Best was 90 to 130 fow, west troll. Lead core, braided dipseys and one off a swr 30 down. 30 - 50 feet down 2.6 at the ball. Paddles and flys. Blue, or white, or green flys. White or chrome paddles 8" and 10 " Boat Name "Reel Oardeal" Steve
  14. I would like to purchase.
  15. What are the dimensions?
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