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About welshgrouser

  • Birthday 02/01/1970

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  1. If your attaching your leadcore directly to your release your going to have a bad day sooner or later. That might work for a little while but it will break eventually. I would run it all out and attach directly to the backing. If your lucky it will only break and you'll lose gear. If your unlucky it will break on a 20+ pound king.
  2. We run 7' on our rigger rods. I'm not a fan of them but the kiddo's love them. They are worth there weight in gold to let the little guys handle the big salmon "all by themselves".
  3. I'm looking to upgrade and was wondering looking for opinions. What is electric rigger is the best for the least $$?
  4. Anyone fishing out of Saug. marking baitfish close to the piers?
  5. How do you access the piers at Saug.?
  6. Well?? Any reports yet? Rough House- What does terrible mean? What was terrible about it?
  7. Don't know about the fishing but the docks at the DNR launch and the city launch are under water.....
  8. I think it looks very interesting. I have it, just haven't gotten it on the lake yet. If it doesn't work i guess it'll give the kid something to do on the boat anyway. The price is right for sure if it works.
  9. Has anyone out there used the acutrol app for there android? Specifically the acuDipsy app. I was wondering what people thought?? Accurate? Thanks
  10. grandpa

    hi it's jordan. I hope I can see you soon. Bye grandpa . I love you grandpa.

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