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  • Birthday 07/15/1977

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    Fishaholic I'm a captain for KC-1 sportfishing, Hitman Charters and Salmon Wagon Spoprtfishing
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  1. The TX-44 will pull just about anything that we use in the Great Lakes. I pulled a 600' copper last fall to just to see how they would do. The 600 rode just as nice as if it was a 300 on a walleye board. There was no problem bringing fish in on them either just point the tip of the rod down to the water and start reeling. As far as rough water I used them in 4'-6' following seas and they didn't sink with a fish on them.
  2. That is pretty close i live right downtown

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  3. What kind of meat rigs do you like?

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  4. I live on just south of Conklin

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  5. We'll have to get that to ya
  6. Nice work Matey I looked at the pics nice fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Hello salmon wagon thank for your help on the meat rigs. I am from coopersville too were abouts in are you from.

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  8. No I try not to if there eating meat 2-4 rods out of 10 -12 rods is going to fill the cooler fast and keep everybody on board busy .
  9. Hello everybody, My Name is Mike Harvey I own Salmon Wagon Sportfishing. I normally fish out of Grand Haven. I Prostaff for Michigan Stinger, Rapture Trolling Flies, Big Jon, Church Tackle and Pro Troll Flashers. If you see me around say Hi and introduce yourself thanks.
  10. Hello to everyone My name is Mike I fish out Grand Haven and Muskegon I Prostaff for Michigan Stinger, Rapture Trolling Flies, Pro Troll, Church Tackle,and Big Jon.

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  11. Meat is the key from July on. I fish meat for fish that are out of temp and suspended. Normally you will see the fish about 10am quit biting and they will be in warmer water like 60 degrees. I concentrate one rigger with a 100' lead about 10' above the fish 2 wire divers about the same and 2 coppers as close to the depth your seeing the fish. My SOG is 2.1-2.5. The rest of my spread consist of plugs and flasher/fly and I'm fishing these in the cooler water looking for active fish. You will see the meat fish they will be living just above the thermocline you can't miss them those are the fish when it starts to get dark and they go back to hitting regular baits well good luck with it
  12. The line is fine I would recommend the Spro swivel the black ant style I've had too many failures doing the albright
  13. Coppers 2-600 2-450 2-400 2 350 4-300 2-250 4-225 4 200 2-175 2-150 4-100 and 4-50 wire 2-1000' that was all on a 21' boat until this year
  14. Worked well for us last year at grand haven we put tuna in them they caught lakers close to bottom and kings when used on wire diver i liked the 11" pro troll white blade crush glow inlay the best colors of the cut plug were black/silver, blue dolphin, and the green dolphin another thing we caught fish in the mud with them so there pretty versatile
  15. 1 1/2 and 1 1/4 and 3/4 if you like to run double spin n glo set up the big ones will work but you will have more bites with these sizes
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