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Ace HI

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Everything posted by Ace HI

  1. Personally there are several down sides to the captains license the first being it will raise you insurance cost and reduce the chances of talking your way out of a ticket. The second is it will turn a sport you love into a job where you will have to smile and be nice to people who don't care about you. A good part of being a captain is being able to keep everyone happy. As mentioned the best way to make a small fortune fishing is to start with a large fortune.
  2. I guess first off you have to make sure the guys in the event thank the sponsors. Sponsorship for the sponsor is about promoting their product. They all have a budget and most of them get hit up by everybody for free stuff. One thing I always ask for is decals and hats and shirts a lure may or may not catch you a fish but people wearing their logo gets them name recognition and that helps them. So first off when you get a prize let the sponsor know you really like it let others know how it worked for you. Remember the names of companies who sponsor the events you enjoy and help to promote them. If for instance you got some Big Weenie flies in the WMFL let the guys at Big Weenie know how happy you are that they sponsored the event. When they know that they are getting something back for their sponsorship it makes them much more willing to keep doing it. I know for me after fishing a lot of the smaller events I go out of my way to buy Big Weenie stuff as well as Silver Streak and many others that seem to always sponsor the smaller tournies.
  3. Timing chain or worn cam.
  4. I have earthnc on my droid works pretty good for a free version I will upgrade to the pro version this spring if I like it.
  5. I don't use glue hardly at all I do have a couple of patterns that require it but that is to make it easier to keep the material in place I use a whip finish knot and have never had a fly come apart. But I guess I am old school since I tie them the same as I tie for my fly rods so I tie from start to finish every thing is held in then wrapped.
  6. they are cheap and if you don't use em much you might be OK the reason the other generators including RV generators are so much more is because they are built much better. In smaller generators it is hard to beat the inverter generators because they will produce power at a idle and increase power as the load requires it by reving the engine. The unit your looking at starts at 3600 rpm and must stay there to maintain 60 cycle power. Most of the high end units use 8 pole or more gensets which will produce power as low as 900 rpm though 1800 rpm is most common. The big difference is noise and fuel economy combined with long life.
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