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Everything posted by TURBOTWIST

  1. Thanks for the update,I found out the wrong way about the channel and ran thur the silt/mud on wed, thur there had to back out and I was in the center of the channel between the river and frist set of markers.hope they can drege there.its some good fishing over there.
  2. Nice job Grant its is nice to hear that the fish quaity is looking better on this side.hope the weather will soon settel down.
  3. Hi I'm still new here but have a question about two different units and trying to figure if one has advanage over the other both being so new you can hardy tell there a few years old.I have a Eagle 480SEACHARTER df/gps/ff and a another on my new boat thats a GARMINMAP188 just trying to see if its worth my time to switch them.the 480 I have the navtroics gold east MI map and on the garmin have two chips that won't realy do me any good there Bluechart LK Erie and Bluechart LK Otario to mont.data cards from garmin. there just alot time involed in switching it around. trying to figure stuff out . TOM
  4. WOW,Grant that is a thumbs up rig for sure,I like the layout.and was'nt aware that starcraft had that model.it would have been on my list of boats to be looking at for upgradeing.it looks very sweet.I'm thinking its glass an probly a 4.3?that tall hard top looks great.again WOW,good fishing this season it looks as though your here in the thumb? TOM
  5. I'll have some by mid week,have to do some more traveling again.

  6. THANKS for the warm welcome fellas,looking forward to hearing all the reports an information.and some questions I could have along the way. been a long time boater and fisherman.but some times fishing will just humble ya on a plan to get them.a leveling experience that makes you feel like ya can't catch anything till you get it dialed in.I try to continue to improve any old and new method found along the way.I love the taste of wally and perch and love to smoke the salmon.I'm in the process of changeing from one boat to another and re rigging .later TOM:thumb:
  7. WOW now thats a nice fish .cha ching. any plans to mount it on the wall? GJ TOM

    Tom from caro ,seen your posts from several sites .

    just adding contacts ,



    just adding contacts to the list


  10. HI AB

    just adding contacts to the list


  11. HI SCOTT

    just adding a contact list



    just adding a contact list


  13. HI JASON

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  14. HI,JAY

    just adding a buddy list.


  15. Nice action ,good catch.. have a good season.
  16. good looking fish,great finish.
  17. yes another newbie,this a pears be to a nice place to learn a lot new tactics, new freiends,and other great reads.I hope in any small part I can be helpful and learn some new stuff from many.I recondize many names.Hello friends. TURBO
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