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About vagabond

  • Birthday 08/26/1947

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  1. A friend of mine who lives in the are said they are picking up some coho and a few kings south of lexington very shallow if you can stand this unpredictable weather!
  2. Hey man I would post pictures but I'm to stupid don't know how to use the computer as far as the chip there should be on in there already!

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  3. What is the make of the chip in your fish finder? Thinking of going to bass pro to pick one up. Ireally dont like going to that store but its the only place that i could find it, plus i have some gift cards to spend out there. Found a couple of nice trailers on line the other night ,look good on your camp site. Anew camper, dog, and little nate, would be awesome!

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  4. I was reading some of the names of the people on the site i think that plum crazy is a name that i hear in hb sometimes quite a few names that i recognize on the list.

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  5. Oh by the way i have a kid and a dog wondering if you want them both!

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  6. louie whats up just checking the web site man i hope it snows or ice or maybe some sub zero temps. this weather sucks !v did you make it up to hb yet. Havent hears of any reports yet . What have you heard?

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  7. Don;t want you to give up your secret spot but were you on the Big Manistee,thinking about heading up next week.
  8. I'm glad they are geting a few fish,but I can't get at my boat still in storage.
  9. Just got back from Mexico 80 every day did a little fishing caught a few rooster fish and a couple fish that looked like giant minnows LOL was hoping it would be kind of warm so to start working on the boat no such luck!!!!!!!!
  10. welcome aboard man!!!! krys and I just got back from Mexico did some fishing had a great time need to get north and work on the camper soon.

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  11. I don't know if you guys remember but back in the mid 80s Harbor Beach had one heck of a brown trout fishery! and if it can be half as good as it was it would be outstanding also along with the steelhead fishery picking up us east side guys can get happy again!!!!
  12. It will make all worth it when you see that first trout or salmon in that crystal clear water wjth the sun shinning off it coming to the net!!!!!
  13. welcome aboard prime time we a both a couple of new guys on this site, still trying to work my way through it I'm what you may call computer illiterate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  14. Thanks guy for the warm welcome will keep you posted on the fishing in harbor beach if any lol!!!!!!!!
  15. You got it Grant be looking for you this spring!!!!!!
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