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Everything posted by luremaker

  1. I would call great Lakes prop out of Grand haven ,The people that run this shop are unbelievable, I have seen them take a new prop out of the box and tune it in to scream on my 150 ,And I know he could give you or tell you what to run on the boat for what you want to do with it. Great people and fast , I won't take my prop anywhere else .Only had a few props worked on in my days but these guys have always did the best work on repair and pricing . Luremaker
  2. I agree with Tony try to tap on the starter with a hammer but don't beat the heck out of it. And turn the key at the same time, but don't do it to many times it should only take a few taps ,if that does not do it then take off the starter. while doing this make sure the pos cable by the stater don't get too hot. You can also take the plugs out, take a clothes pin and number 1-4 starting in the front and working your way hook it to each book so you don't mess up the order putting them back on .Or you can take a socket and breaker bar and turn it over at the crank bolt.unhook the battery first. luremaker
  3. Very cool Idea Great job
  4. Try lakeview marine john works on alot of the older outboards and is very good at what he does.24 South Beechtree Street Grand Haven, Michigan (616) 842-2770 luremaker
  5. I would have to agree with what has been said . The biggest turn off is the guys that say they will help push your name just to get a hand full of free stuff. I have met alot of great people out there and I have handed out a lot of spoons and flies ,do i get replies back from them ??? well it's 50/50 but the handful that do post and send photos ,really do a service for me by just using my name and the promoting the products that we sell. A lot of the time I just send things out the just to be tested ,colors patterns and so on , I would love to fish 24/7 but I can't and I know the guys out there put there best effort out there for me. luremaker
  6. Dave nice fish luremaker
  7. Thanks

    Have a Happy easter

  8. I agree with Nailer is it worth the 5,500 to fix it??? But on the other hand if you can turn a wrench and have a few free weekends you will save a ton of money, I have bought a few boats with bad floors stringers and froozen or cracked blocks and spent the time putting them back together. I have a few good friends that builds motors so for me a pro fresh rebuilt will cost me 1500 and for me to drop it in is not big deal, and the local marina will drop it in for 75 and hook and fire it for a extra 75 ,so that cuts the cost down right there,with the outdrives I do what I can and the marine do what I can't ,they figure a little money doing part of the job is better then no job or money at all. luremaker
  9. I only use uv lites to charge them up it make a big difference and when we paint them we only use uv lighting so we can see that we covered the hole spoon and it has a smooth cover over it before we put the finish coat on it. luremaker
  10. I use my own spoons Big Lake lures I do like others but put all my time into our brand so that we can keep on making new patterns and better glos
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