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About luremaker

  • Birthday 02/27/1966

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  • Interests
    Fishing,camping and spending time with my family
  • Occupation
    Hilo driver / Tackle company owner

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  1. We still many table available for the swap meet looking to fill a total of 35-40 let me know how many you need. biglakelures@sbcglobal.net larrry
  2. Holland 5th Annual Swap Meet Annual Free Sportsman Swap Meet When: Saturday March 2 ,2019 from 9 am to 1 pm. Where: Chapel: Calvary CRC 400 Beeline Road Holland Michigan 49424 Saturday March 2, 2019 is the date for this year’s swap meet so mark your calendars. We are having a swap meet for anyone that would like to sell, swap, and buy excess sporting gear on Saturday March 2, 2019 from 9 am to 1 pm. We are thinking that the theme be related to items for fishing and hunting, but also are considering that it be open to all sporting goods in general. No flea market junk, just good used gear that one no longer needs or use. No guns or ammo will be allowed on the premises. Sellers contact me prior to the event to reserve a table. Donation will be $10 per table. Sellers are welcome to share or split tables. If there are left over table’s we will offer them up for donation only basis for those who would like to sell, and cannot reserve, afford, or do not need a full table. Contact me at Biglakelures@sbcglobal.net for table availability and registration. Seller set up will happen between 6:00 and7:30 am. Buyers can stop by free from 9-12 pm. This will be a free event for buyers, donations gladly accepted. Bring cash and change if possible, to make it easier on the sellers who will have limited abilities to make change throughout the day. Early birds can get in between 8am & 9am only with a $ 5 donation, after 9am admittance is free. The Youth Ministry will be on hand to sell coffee, baked goods, and lunch. Please support them with their fund raiser. Location has been set at. Calvary CRC 400 Beeline Road Holland Michigan 49424. We will have plenty of tables, chairs, and room to spread out in this facility. Please DO NOT call the facility directly since this is a private event, contact me with any questions or issues. Bring the family out for a day of fun, bargains, lunch, and good friends. Hope to see you there!
  3. This is a great opportunity to own your own big lake spoon business, After 12 years of building our company we have decided to move on to other ventures and spend more time with family. This is a great opportunity to own and expand on a business that has a great potential to make good money and getting the satisfaction of putting fish in the box with something you have made. Serious inquiries only please email me at Biglakelures@sbcglobal.net for additional information.
  4. It is this Saturday
  5. Still have about 20 table open that still need to filler $10 a table come join us and make a morning with friends and sell the extra and unneeded sports equipment. Email me biglakelures@sbcglobal.net Thanks Larry
  6. Holland 4th Annual Swap Meet Holland 4 th Annual Free Sportsman Swap Meet When: Saturday February 24 , 2018 from 9 am to 1 pm. Where: Chapel: Calvary CRC 400 Beeline Road Holland Michigan 49424 Saturday February 24, 2018 is the date for this years swap meet so mark your calendars. We are having a swap meet for anyone that would like to sell, swap, and buy excess sporting gear on Saturday February 24, 2018 from 9 am to 1 pm. We are thinking that the theme be related to items for fishing and hunting, but also are considering that it be open to all sporting goods in general. No flea market junk, just good used gear that one no longer needs or use. No guns or ammo will be allowed on the premises. Sellers contact me prior to the event to reserve a table. Donation will be $10 per table. Sellers are welcome to share or split tables. If there are left over tables we will offer them up for donation only basis for those who would like to sell, and cannot reserve, afford, or do not need a full table. Contact me at Biglakelures@sbcglobal.net for table availability and registration. Seller set up will happen between 5:00 and7:30 am. Buyers can stop by free from 9-1 pm. This will be a free event for buyers, donations gladly accepted. Bring cash and change if possible to make it easier on the sellers who will have limited abilities to make change throughout the day. Early birds can get in between 7:30 and 9am only with a $ 5 donation, after 9am admittance is free. The Youth Ministry will be on hand to sell coffee,baked goods, and lunch. Please support them with their fund raiser. Location has been set at. Calvary CRC 400 Beeline Road Holland Michigan 49424. We will have plenty of tables, chairs, and room to spread out in this facility. Please DO NOT call the facility directly since this is a private event, contact myself with any questions or issues. Bring the family out for a day of fun, bargains, lunch, and good friends. Hope to see you there!
  7. Hi Everyone we are finalizing the table assignments for Saturday. Please check the list below for your name, if you don't see your name below but have requested a table please directly at biglakelures@sbcglobal.net. We do still have a few tables available it anyone else is interested Vern Sparks 1 Jonathan Selbig 2 Brian Hopp 1 Jeff Olson 1 Kabet Sterk 2 Josh Fulks 2 Ron Sharphorn 1 Bruce Hulst 1 Keith Slater 2 Ron Bunton 1 Phil Retherford 1 Mike Ozinga 1 Kevin Essenburg 2 Dave Mull 2 Frank J 1 FBD - Far Beyond Driven 2 Eric - Gold Coast 2 Rich - Michigan City 1 Glenn 1 Tim Stein 1 Ryan Kelly 1 Fred 4 Jacob Sauve 2 Thomas Helton 2 Dave & Eric Lamer 1 nterested.
  8. Ok everyone we are about three weeks out till the sale and swap and we still have a lot of open tables that can be filled up. We have 27 tables spoken for with 40 to be filled.weather looks to be a lot better then last year so hopping for a better turn out. I have one charter captain selling his boat and all his tackle and will have a ton of items there also a few others that are selling off most of there fishing items also. Please continue to pass the word . Luremaker
  9. I will Eric Thanks again
  10. Here is a update on who and how many tables are taken so far please review the list and if I have any errors please let me know.Tables1 Mike Ozinga2 Josh Fulks2 k Slater Door right side1 steinfishski1 Kara-b-n Ron Bunton4 James Tumey 2 sarah assemblage2 Dave Mull1 Frank J. Wall electric1 F.B.D 4 Fred1 Phil Retherford2 Eric 2 Jacob sauve 1 Rich Ok this is a list of people that has contacted me for tables .If I have missed anyone please let me know so I may add you to the list. There are still a lot of open tables so pass the word.
  11. Eric The swap is been held at Calvary CRC on beeline in holland . Feb 25 th The tables are a standard 8 foot table with chair $10 each table Thanks Larry
  12. Holland 3RD Annual Swap Meet Holland 3 rd Annual Free Sportsman Swap Meet When: Saturday February 25 , 2017 from 9 am to 1 pm. Where: Chapel: Calvary CRC 400 Beeline Road Holland Michigan 49424 Saturday February 25, 2017 is the date for this years swap meet so mark your calendars. We are having a swap meet for anyone that would like to sell, swap, and buy excess sporting gear on Saturday February 25, 2017 from 9 am to 1 pm. We are thinking that the theme be related to items for fishing and hunting, but also are considering that it be open to all sporting goods in general. No flea market junk, just good used gear that one no longer needs or use. No guns or ammo will be allowed on the premises. Sellers contact me prior to the event to reserve a table. Donation will be $10 per table. Sellers are welcome to share or split tables. If there are left over tables we will offer them up for donation only basis for those who would like to sell, and cannot reserve, afford, or do not need a full table. Contact me at Biglakelures@sbcglobal.net for table availability and registration. Seller set up will happen between 5:00 and7:30 am. Buyers can stop by free from 9-1 pm. This will be a free event for buyers, donations gladly accepted. Bring cash and change if possible to make it easier on the sellers who will have limited abilities to make change throughout the day. Early birds can get in between 7:30 and 9am only with a $ 5 donation, after 9am admittance is free. The Youth Ministry will be on hand to sell coffee,baked goods, and lunch. Please support them with their fund raiser. Location has been set at. Calvary CRC 400 Beeline Road Holland Michigan 49424. We will have plenty of tables, chairs, and room to spread out in this facility. Please DO NOT call the facility directly since this is a private event, contact myself with any questions or issues. Bring the family out for a day of fun, bargains, lunch, and good friends. Hope to see you there!
  13. Swap meet Now that the new year is in full swing it is time to think about the tackle and sports equipment that is taking up room in your basement,garage,barn or boat. I would like to again this year try and put a swap meet together if there is interest and if I can set up a date with my local church. I am just looking for feed back and ideas, like dates and times. You can email me at biglakelures@sbcglobal.net Thanks Larry
  14. Thanks to everyone that showed up yesterday. We had a great turnout and things went smoothly with all the help from the youth, my family and friends. All the money raised is going to cover some of the cost of our youth going to Honduras to help those less fortunate. And we thank you all for that. We hope to continue to do this for years to come, we are looking to push the date back into February to stay away from the other things that are going on at the same time. Also we are looking for input on things we can do better, to bring in more people and to keep people there longer. Please email me with your ideas and I will start putting them in a file for next year. Thanks again Larry Big lake lures llc
  15. Swap meet There is my last update as it stands if everyone shows up we have 45 tables spoken for. Great job thanks everyone. We have 5 tables left if any one still needs one. You may start setting up at 6am if you need help please ask. Early bird doors will up at 8am with a $5 donation. Free after 9am. Guest speaker Ron Borgman will speak at 10:30 And guest speaker Josh Mapes will start at 11:15. Come out and join us and see old friends and meet new one's And fine that tackle you are missing. Thanks Larry Big lake lures LLC
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