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Captain Sue

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Everything posted by Captain Sue

  1. Hi,

    I was wondering how I would change the title under my screen name.

    I have looked all through "about me" and can't seem to locate it. I would like to change it from fisherman to charter captain.

    Thank you

    Capt'n Sue

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  2. Give me about 20 Min and then anytime after that is good.
  3. Yes, you are required to hold at least a 6Pack great lakes & inland if you want to accept payment of any kind; they have done away with the inland license only a few years ago. I will be getting off the site shortly so give me a call if I can answer any more questions for you. You can also go to our site www.uscaptains.com
  4. Hi all, TWIC is still required to get your initial license, it is the only way they can do the background check after doing away with the fingerprinting. If you are renewing here is a link for a letter to include with your application or just include a photo copy of your TWIC Feel free to contact me if you need help obtaining or renewing your license. 616.403.5000
  5. Hi Doug, My name is Sue Bladek, I am an instructor for US Captains Training. Give me a call and I can either help you or get you connected with another instructor. We offer 3 different avenues; Brick and Mortar Classroom, On Line or Blended. My number is 616.403.5000
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