There is a ZERO tolerance for flaming here. This question could have been taken care of in a private message to me instead of being posted on the website. All it did was rekindle in old flame. I have reviewed all of the posts by otter, and all of them have been jabs at Dan but one. I actually deleted one of them. I spoke with Dan about this when I saw the first post, and he said he knew Bruce, so I figured everything was good, and they were innocent remarks. I have been running vBulletin discussion style websites for 10 years. I created this website and opened it in January of 2006. I still read 99% of the posts that are made here every day. You quickly learn about the people on websites by reading the posts. You can tell alot about the character of a person by the content of their posts. You can tell who the bs'ers are, who knows what they are talking about, and which ones are problems. I am a member on most of the other fishing websites out there. Very rarely do I visit any of the other websites. Why dont I visit those other websites? I do not care for the bitching/pissing/moaning that happens on them. Everyone has a different way of handling confrontation. Some are better than others at dealing with it. Some walk away, and others are like vultures waiting on a road kill. When someone gets backed into a corner, they are going to fire back. We need to look at ourselves in the mirror before we criticize others. Everyone has a different way of viewing things. To some, the glass is half empty, and to others, its half full. Innocent remarks can be taken the wrong way. Especially on the internet because you can not tell if someone is joking or not. Look at the content of whats been posted here, and tell me what good it has done. Maybe others should take their ball and leave also. Mike