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Everything posted by GLF

  1. My son will be 10 this year and is excited about being able to hunt deer with a crossbow. I currently do not own one. I am looking for recommendations for a crossbow. For those of you who have a crossbow, what do you have, and how do you like it? Thanks!
  2. I received a reply from Tim(Elwim). Everyone should be receiving their flies the week after Easter. Please let me know if you did not receive them. Sorry.....I can not add any more names to the list. Anyone who replied this past week will not receive them.
  3. I sent elwin a message asking whats up.
  4. I have been contacted by a couple of people who have not received their flies. Has anyone received their flies?
  5. The colored electrical tape works great. You can use any color tape you want for the different size cores. The only one who needs to know what the colors are, is the boat owner.
  6. Nice job Tom. Welcome aboard!
  7. Ummmm......how do they know if a juvenile carp is in the area?
  8. Nice job Mike. Looks like your daughter is grabbing for one.
  9. Bob's Outdoors use to carry them. He has a website.
  10. Looks like you picked up right where you left off last season. Nice looking browns!
  11. Nice job Mike. As hard as the wind was blowing today, you would have thought the lake would have been bouncy.
  12. Lots of fishing reports have been posted already this year, and I would like to say "thanks" to everyone who has made a report so far! This website is all about helping everyone to become a better a fisherman. A fishing report without any details is not much help. Not everyone can look at a report, see the numbers caught, and figure out a game plan. A little extra information will help alot of members. When making a report, please try to include the depths you fished, lures you caught them on, diver settings, GPS speed if you know it, etc, etc, etc....
  13. Determination! Hopefully this is the year.
  14. Nice job on the feesh! OUCH on the thumb!
  15. Glad you are feeling better. Do you turkey hunt with your bow?
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