My wife had the day off work today, so I went out back to cut some wood. I had some trees that were broke in half about 20' in the air. I cut the first one down without incident. After I cut the second one(24" tree), I gave it a push to get it going. Where the tree was broken, 20' in the air, it broke in half and came down and hit me. This just glanced off the side of me and knocked me to the ground. I was in extreme pain. After laying on the ground for a couple of minutes, I realized I could move my feet. This was a good sign. I managed to get back to me feet, hobbled back to my truck and drove back up to the house. Once inside, I told my wife we need to go to the emergency room. After spending 3 hours in the emergency room, getting x-rays on my knee, ankle, a crt on my lower back, and they aslo scanned for internal damages, I got to go home. I was very lucky! 1' further over, and there is a good chance I would not be here. I have one broken rib, and 3 fractured transverse process bones. Looks like I will be sore for the next 6 weeks. I will not be taking the boat to St. Joseph this spring like I wanted to.