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Everything posted by GLF

  1. Nice job Phil!
  2. Nice job Don! Whats the message you get when you attempt to upload images?
  3. Nice looking rig Roger!
  4. Thanks for the report Mike!
  5. Nice job Mike. Way to put the smack down on them!
  6. Nice job Chris. I will be up on Sunday.
  7. Sorry Tom.....I have not been out in a couple of weeks.
  8. Nice job Ken. Thanks for the fish porn!
  9. The dns finally caught back up for me and I can get to the site without having to come in the back door. There was an issue with the dns that caused the delay with the site coming back up. After a couple of phone calls this morning, I was able to get this issue resolved. There was an error on my part when I changed the dns for the domain name. For those of you that know anything about domain names and repointing them, I use a custom name server because I have a reseller account. I forewarded the doname name properly, but forgot to change the ip address to the new host. Everything is up and running properly now. There are a few members who have not made it back yet. The dns should be caught up for everyone within the next 4-8 hours. I am sorry for the delay.
  10. The transfer to the new host is complete! If you can read this post, the dns has caught up for you. A few posts made after the database was transfer will be lost. Sorry, there is nothing I can do about them. Let me know if you have any issues. Mike
  11. Nice job Gary! Welcome to the website. I slip at Bluffton Bay. One of the guys who fishes with me is slipped at Great Lakes Marina. What is your boat name?
  12. Whos sweating? Great Lakes Fisherman is one of ten websites I am moving to the new host. I have to make sure all of the websites are working correctly before I change the dns.
  13. Nice job Tim! Welcome to the website.
  14. We will be switching host within the next 72 hours. I started the transfer process already. The new host told me it can take 24-72 hours to move the database(s). Once I change the dns, it could take up 12 - 24 more hours for the dns to catch up. For those that dont know about dns, the dns points the domain name to a hosting account. I am at the mercery of the new hosting account as to when the transfer(s) will happen, and at the mercy of the domain dns. Once the new hosts has the databases transferred, I will verify everything is working correctly on the new host, before I change the dns. I opted to leave the site turned on rather than shutting it down for 3 days. This may result in some of the posts that get made during this time period getting lost during the transfer process. I checked out this host before I made the decission to make the switch. This is an equally reputable host. I will be getting more disk space and a lot more bandwidth for my buck. I will get up extra early before work Monday morning to see if the host transferred the site(s). If they are transferred, and everything is working correctly, I will change the dns for the domain name. With luck, everything will be normal around here on Tuesday morning. I am sorry if a post you make during this process gets lost. Mike
  15. I might be wrong on this.......but I think it needs to be certified VHS free before it can be imported to Michigan.
  16. There are some people who are willing to lend a hand. Glad you made it in safely! Kudus to the fisherman who pulled you in.
  17. Great images Dennis!
  18. You hit the nail on the head Chris. I have a feeling, most of the fishing this weekend will be limited to harbor patrol.
  19. I closed this thread because this is a duplicate post. See the link in DiverDennis post for more information and discussion about it.
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