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Everything posted by GLF

  1. I voted for you also Chad. Best of luck!
  2. I will make at least one of these this year.
  3. Nice job Peter!
  4. Nice job Ken!
  5. The video will have to wait till spring. Come fishing with me this spring and I will give you a hands on demonstration.
  6. The video says it all! x768VAsOQSw
  7. I was going to do this late last night(around midnight), but the server when down. I will not do it while there are a bunch of members online. I will let you know when I will attempt to get the software upgraded.
  8. We drove past Pine Creek today on our way home from Kalamazoo. There was two brave souls out there ice fishing. I am sure they are on some of the channels that freeze early as well.
  9. The link does work. I ordered some parts from Mikes reel repair. Great prices, but they are shipped flat rate, and took 10 days to get from when they shipped.
  10. There has been a lot of talk about wolves lately. Lots of members are tired of reading about them. Most of us do not have any dealings with them, while others deal with them on a daily basis. There are two sides to every coin. This is an open discussion forums. Members are allowed to vent their frustrations. If you dont want to read about it, dont read the posts! This is one of the most friendly websites on the internet, and I will make sure it stays this way. What you post and think is OK, could be misunderstood by someone else. Lets keep this the most friendliest website on the internet.
  11. I will be turning the forum off for a short time on Sunday morning while I upgrade the forum software. There are a couple of issues I am hoping to resolve that I have been chasing. The forums will be unavailable for 1-2 hours. If you visit the website while the forums are turned off you will see a message stating that we are doing maintenance.
  12. The link exchange is not working correctly. You can still submit a link, but you can not view any links. I hope to have this resolved soon.
  13. Everything has the will to survive. A piece of land can only support so much life. When a food source is depleted, one of two things will happen. The animals that are depending on the food source will perish, or move on and attempt to find food at another source. The instinct to survive will kick in and they will move in search of food before they perish because there is no food. Here is an off the wall example of survival. When Lake Huron salmon fishery was crashing, salmon that were tagged in Lake Huron were being caught at various ports in Lake Michigan. They moved to Lake Michigan in search of food because there was no food in Lake Huron. The same thing will happen with the wolves. As the food sources deminish, there will be more spottings of wovles in the urban areas. The lack of food, and the instinct to survive will cause this. There will be more farm animals, and house hold pets that come up missing. Deer have the odds stacked against them. Wolves are just one of the predators the deer have. Does anyone have an idea on the number of coyotes in the U.P.? I am not sure if a coyote can bring down a full size deer, but I bet they bring down many fawns. Add in the fact that we had 2 hard winters in a row, caused by "global warming"....Sorry....couldn't resist throwing in the global warming thing. The carry capacity of land can only support so many animals. In order to keep it in balance, the wolf population needs to be controlled. Can humans and wovles coexist? Yes they can, as long as their numbers are controlled. After the straights freeze over, there will be a migration of wolves to the L.P in search of food. I dont mean to sound like chicken little, and I hope I am wrong, but I dont foresee the deer population in the U.P. recovering.
  14. It does not look fun crossing the bridge today. Webcam
  15. Hummmm.......hurt the industries the waterway was built to serve, or ruin a 9 billion dollar a year industry.
  16. Shooomama! Thats one slab-o-saurus!
  17. We are just getting hit by our first winter storm of the year. Florida sounds pretty good right now. Thanks for the report Drew!
  18. There is nothing preventing someone from having an outing on Saginaw Bay.
  19. You forgot the cork bobber! Long time no see. What have you been up to?
  20. Can you imagine what the non-fisherman think when they read a thread like this? I have 15lb balls on my big jons. The are connected directly to the cable.
  21. The tentative date for this will be 27 Feb 2010.
  22. If my map reading skills are correct. This map shows dna findings in the Cal-Sag Channel. This is above the barrier also. Whats to keep these fish from moving back into the channel and getting into the lake. Looks to me like they need to kill this channel off also. Why did they only kill off 6 miles of river? Why not go 10, 20, or further?
  23. Here is a video on msnbc about this. If I heard it correctly, they got at least 1 fish from above the barrier.
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