Most of you have probably seen my signature( I have something cooking for 2010! ) for the last couple of months. 2010 is now here, so, I will end the suspense and give everyone an inside scoop on what I have cooking.
I have been working on a project that I am very excited about. I am so committed to this new project, that I will not be running the GLFTT this season. Dont worry, I have someone else in place to run it, and the GLFTT will be back for the 2010 season!
So what am I working on???
I am building an online Great Lakes Fisherman TV show! The shows will consist of salmon fishing, with a mix of walleye fishing mixed in. I will be filming 15-20 shows per season. Shows will be filmed on all of the Great Lakes, in various states, ports and at different times of the year. In addition to the shows, I will also be filming lots of video tutorials.
I have been working on the website for a couple of months, and was hoping to have it completed by now. Unfortunately, I do not have it finished.
The holidays are over now, and I hope to get things wrapped up soon.