Second Season, First trip out in 2011, First Spring Coho and first time ever to St Joe. Two of us set up just south of the pier and started a south troll.
Ended 10/13 on red and black thin fish, red and orange thunderstick and blue flies pulled behind small orange spin docters. Big Thanks to Captain Willis and Fish on Bait & Tackle for supplying the right tackle for the trip!
We kept a pretty steady troll at 2.7 on the fishhawk and put the first 5 fish in the box in about 2 hours (Between 8 and 10AM). I think we were by the A-frames most of the time.
Later I accidentally hit the throttle and slowed us down to around 2.0-2.2 on the fish hawk. Almost immediatly the poles went off. We filled the box in the next 15 minutes. We were fishing 2 boards (Brads red and black thinfish about 60 back from the boards), 2 dipseys (thinderstick 25 back and SD/blue fly 30 back) and 2 riggers (SD/Blue Fly 15 down and blue and gold thinfish 8 down). Within a 5 minute period EVERY pole went off. Lost 2 at the back of the boat because of a fish tangled in the net. I even caught one as I was reattaching a board.
I'll tell you it was a$$holes over elbows in an 18.5' boat. But boy was it fun
Next time I just need to remember pliers!