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Everything posted by Eliminator

  1. I switched to 10' last year and saw a great improvment in dipsey action, definitly is a two person show but puts fish in the box!!
  2. Great Job! You cant beat that durimg the "winter down time"!!!
  3. I second the "hate the machine". I also wondered if any one else turned in their receipts over the $75 gate fee for a refund? They claimed we could and that they would refund anything over the $75.
  4. Way to stay at it. Looks like we could do a Christmas fish this year!!
  5. I am running 32lb in 100,150,200,250,300. I use lead for 5-20 foot down and then the 100 copper starts the 25 and deeper segments. I have been really happy with my 32 lb blood run. I am going to add some 45lb rigs for the 75-95 foot range.
  6. I did a splitter and have been really happy with it. Less stuff and works great!
  7. Sounds like you did pretty good to me!!
  8. Wow! Great job on a great finish!!
  9. We were fishing out of Muskegon in June and had one cut across the back and take out my 200,250,300 coppers, lost all boards and tackle. I only salvaged the backer which was power pro and did not break right away. That sail boat received a very friendly visit after pulling all the lines. I am pretty sure he understood how stupid he was and that was a costly mistake for him. Besides this incident I have had to use my large airhorn 3 other times for sail boats cutting across the back within 150'. None of these had sails up, all under easy control of a motor. I really really dislike the blow boat folks. No respect........
  10. Great Job for a mid day outing!
  11. Great Looking Boat!! The winter will be LONG for you.
  12. Great job mark! Good way to wrap up the season.
  13. That was really good!!!
  14. Nice Job Ben! Sounds like a great time!
  15. That made me laugh really hard!!
  16. Nice job Guys, those are some nice fish you found!!
  17. Great job, way to bring the youth into the best type of fishing.
  18. Good job on the holland frenzy!
  19. Great job! It is fun out there right now.
  20. WOW Mike! I sure wished I would have bought this instead of my pro's, good luck!
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