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Everything posted by NO MO BEGGEN

  1. i dont have a report but dirty dog and i are going to saugatuck you can give us a holler if you want
  2. just another way for the dnr to screw up the deer population lets just open it all year long so all we have left are people to hunt oh and turkeys
  3. went out with sea-mac in the evening and got 4 kings kept two had one small one we threw back and one that was about 24" that had a nasty sore on it so he went back in to kept a 10 lb. and a small 3 lb best water was 100-130 best lure was blue monkey puke on rigger set at 50'
  4. good mess of fish guys hope we do as good or better sunday sorry i missed out but thks for the offer terry
  5. nice fish mike i wana see that huge crappie
  6. waiting for monday to find out im sure its not repairable. going to see if their insurance will pay for rental till its settled
  7. she was legally parked and over 8"away from the white line that runs along the side of the road pretty much half way into the ditch. the driver just wasn't paying attention to his load
  8. check this out my wife was out yard saleing friday and was parked on the side of the road while she was looking at stuff a semi-truck drove by with a road grader on the back the blade was sticking out to far and got a little to close. the truck belonged to the cleanup crew that is working on the clean up of the k-zoo river in plainwell
  9. for a guy who is looking for a rider so he can fish a tourney you would think he would pick the words he uses a little better like gas money would be very helpfull. just reading this post makes me wonder what kind of guys i'd be fishing with.
  10. i got one from an old lady yesterday i pulled out in front of by mistake lol
  11. got this bird monday morning at 8:30 am. had an 11" beard 1"spers and weighed 22.19 lbs. biggest one i've ever gotten hopefully not the last. time to fish now nice job on your bird rich
  12. the numbers your refering to sound like different types of stainless steel we use alot of the 304 and the 302 stainless at work mike
  13. nj guys good luck to everyone saturday hope the fish a biteing
  14. she dosen't like catch and release what can i say perfect woman catches helps clean em and cooks em lol
  15. i got a picture of one of the toms tonight
  16. the toms a starting to gobble and strut, teresa and i had a big tom and a group of 6 hen in the back yard yesturday. as the hens would walk past the tom he'd get all big and puffy and fan his tail out.was really cool to watch wish i had a good zoom camera to get a picture. trigger fingers getting the itch
  17. i never leave home with out her when it comes to steelies she nets em to good lol
  18. hooked up with sea-mac this morning and went to the same spot we got the two fish yesturday and got a big skunk couldnt get nothing going on spawn or waxies. sorry mike it sucked so bad but good to get out with you
  19. teresa and i went to the river at day break started fishing with jigs and waxies with no luck. switched over to floating spawn bags about 10 o-clock fished off the bottom with 1 1/2 ounce weight i picked up the male about 30 min. later and teresa got the hen about an hour after that. i think the water was to stured up to see the jigs
  20. thks guys i did try the lighter last night and it seemed to work good only did 10 jigs going to try them out first before doing more kind of lery now. matbe i'll just stick to the paint brush.
  21. i think i would of went out of holland and motored up to port sheldon the channel looks open as long as the lake is to
  22. hey guys i bought a jar of powder paint for my steelhead jigs and tried it for the first time yesturday. the paint it self works really well but after i dipped the jigs the hooks got very brittle and snapped like a toothpick can any body tell me why and what i did wrong
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