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Everything posted by NO MO BEGGEN

  1. first thing that comes to my mind is where did the deer come from. was it a native michigan deer or was it shipped into the state for breeding purposes. i would think the dnr would find this out before they cause an uprise in things
  2. Sry i meant .8 ounces/half a pound. Here is a picture of our big fish landed by my wife on the sea-mac 19 pounds caught in 90 fow 50 down on a rigger on a super hot lemon iceicle glo mag. dreamweaver. most of our fish came from 70-90 fow pretty much straight out.
  3. nice job terry and crew sorry about that 2/10ths of a pound,NOT:)
  4. oh we do this all the time little nudges here and there to get each other worked up in to a frenzy
  5. i did do what you told me and you left teresa and i stranded at ps with no boat and no captain thks for the phone call telling me you decided to take some one else
  6. just because im not a captain dosen't mean i cant put in my imput. i didnt know your toes were so sensitive ill step lighter next time sea-mac
  7. sounds like a good idea to me. it will give us two shots at beaten the weather and a day to relax before going back to work if saturday turns out to be a go
  8. i have to retract my statement i made earlier cause when we were out with sea-mac sunday we caught a big king with about a 16" lampray on it and a smaller one with a scar on its side
  9. next time put the rigger balls on the sides of the boat there supposed to be that might help thks for the trip sea-macilostacouplealso lol
  10. there does seem to be less fish being cought in this area of the lake with no lamprey scars or actual lampreys attached to the fish i know the fish ive gotten with sea-mac and dirty dog havn't had any
  11. thks terry for the trip and sorry about the tackle that was lost due to some very acrabatic fish and a stuppid log
  12. while we were out fishing there sunday we saw a barge checking the nets in front of the piers in 130' so they may have pulled them sunday already
  13. nice mess of eyes guys wish we could find em like that on this side of the state
  14. congrates rich i know the feeling ive been a grandpa for a little more than a year now its alot more fun then i thought
  15. nice job mike and the boat looks good to
  16. thks for the trip terry had alot of fun and so did tony see ya in the morning for some more action
  17. nice job buddy we tried calling ya this morning but couldnt here ya we did pretty good our selfs this morning heading back out sunday morning for more slammin
  18. ok we'll talk in the morning sometime try 68 if you dont here from us
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